419Th Judicial Court
District Court
Individually & On Behalf of Other Similarly Affected.
Individually, Personally &/or Jointly
Joe D Milner
Jeremy Morley
Jami Milner Turner
Mack Ray Hernandez
Abraham Matthew
Lucie Guajardo
Forest Nelson
John Foster
Roy Barrera
Mike Techow
Rob Shepherd
Dave Edmonson
Anthonio Whenes
Judge John Dietz
Judge Gus Strauss
Andrew Westbrook,
Richard Simerly
Austin Police Department
Federal B. investigation
Travis County Court
Hays County AB
Milner Firm
Austin Process
Nicholas Barrera
Bratton And Bratton
Guajardo And Guajardo
Hernandez And Simpson
Burt Barr And Associates
Practical Process Solutions
Minton Burton Foster And Collins
Many Joe Doe’s & No Jane Doe’s!
Judge “Money” Considered Joe Doe
Federal Bureau Of Investigations
Judge Who Close Case: Reopen
Austin Police Department
Travis Co.
State Of Texas
United States Of America
“Automatic Service”
All Work For *GOV
17 Years Extreme Harm!
Non Stop, Continues Today.
Judgment Requested: 70 Million,
Hereby Increased: $700 Million Dollars.
Criminal Organization in The US GOV: THE MAFIA
defendANTS & DEFENDants To Determine Amount By Participation!
Samantha Lowry POA Vs Daniel Pavon Cuellar, Guadalupe Cuellar & Raul Pavon Sarrelangue
2007 Travis County
Judgment Can Be Granted,
Without Notice & Without Jury!
Evidence Of Their Case: VS Them!
Irrefutable Facts And Evidence!
No Discovery is Necessary!
17Y Injustice Justice!
“Memorial Day” 2007
Kidnapped in Mexico With Seb,
Kidnap Seb In United States Of America.
Purpose: To Kidnap Seb To The United Kingdom.
By A 23 Y.O Illegal Alien in Austin Texas, Samantha.
Settlement Agreement Reached With All Attorneys,
In Breach, Seb Was Kidnapped From Mexico City,
Kidnapped To The United States Of America,
Kidnapping Me in Country of Mexico,
Then Seb Kidnapped To England.
Kidnapped For 17 Years!
Memorial Day!
May 28, 2007
Federal Holiday: Honors Service & Sacrifice, Of Those Who Live Serving The United States of America!
AustinTexas.News Covers News That Are Forbidden To Be Covered By News.
Prosecuting The Crimes The Prosecutors Do Not Prosecute,
The Case Attorneys Will Not Take The Case,
Organized Crimes In Our GOV:
& Attorneys!
For $35M
On October 2024, Two Pleadings Were Sent To Travis 419th Judicial Court, Family & Lawsuit:
Increasing Judgment of $ 70 Million To $ 700 Million, Based on New Evidence: By Certified Mail.
Regular Mail: Family Pleading Requesting The Order of Arrest Of Judge Dietz And Other Matters.
Travis County 419th Judicial Court, State of Texas, United States of America “Lost” 700M Pleading!
419th Court, Only Returning The Family Pleading Stamped, Pleading of $700 Million, “Lost”.
Sent Email To The 419th Judicial Court With Pleading, They Have Not Replied Yet!
This New Version Now Improved, With “NEWER EVIDENCE” Provided.
Righteous Law Enforcement, UK: The-End.UK & US: Court-s.Com
Statute of Limitation Was Tolled Until Today.
DAPACU Plaintiff Was Prevented, Even Forbidden To Press Charges,
Plaintiff Reported The Crimes Timely, TO FBI, POLICE, DOJ, & International Authorities.
Plaintiff Was Nearly in Daily Contact With UK, US, MX Authorities By Email Reporting CRIMES “LIVE”.
See All Proceedings Initiated in Travis County Court, State, Federal Courts, UK & Mexico (Hague Treaty).
Prosecutors Didn’t Prosecute Crimes Committed And Evidence is in Courts: Tolling Statute Of Limitation.
Appeared in Person in FBI Office, To Provide Evidence, Reports Online, By Email And 911 Calls For Years!
Who Can You Trust? When FBI, POLICE, JUDGES, COURTS Become A Criminal Network? In GOd, Trust!
Anyone in Our Blood Line
Can Continue This Lawsuit & Judgement.
Applicable For UK & United States Of America.
Jeremy Morley International Kidnapping Mafia?
And All, For A 23 Year Old Illegal Alien in Texas!
But Why Seb Had Both of my Last Names Only?
Samantha Trying To Save Sebastian, Her Son?
Criminals Know More Often The Judges…
“Donation” To Judges or Officials,
Briberies Needs To Be Abolished!
Abolish Family Courts, For Union & Moral.
Child Has 50 % Right To Each Bio Parent And Family,
When A Child is Born, DNA To Determine Biological Parents.
What is Yours & Your Kin is YOURS, What is Mine And My Kin is MINE.
Abortion: Requirement Of Both Signature Of Biological Parents To Be Considered.
Dec 2024
“See Exhibits”
Oct 2024 Travis Court,
Send For Filing Two Pleadings,
Certified: Increase Judgment Request,
From $70 Million To $700 Million (New Evidence)
Regular Mail: Requesting Dietz Be Arrested (Family Court FM)
Only Received The FM Cause With The Court Stamp, Other Disappeared.
Emailed 419th Court, Currently Awaiting Their Reply, Ready To File This Pleading.
Dec 10, 2024
Matthew Abraham
In Writing Two Witnesses:
Responsible For Mail Tampering,
Discovered Responsible Of Theft Of Mail:
2019 Matthew Abraham Bought His Property,
Immediately Thereafter Started To Create Conflicts.
Including Cutting Mailbox Down, And Disappearing it.
Loss of Mail Began, Including Several Reports To USPS.
2024 Admitted in Writing, The Act, With Two Witnesses.
October 2024 Report Filed With USPS, Hereby Attached.
Followed From A Threat, From The Other Neighbor Too!
Dave Edmonson Representing The Other Side Neighbor:
Realtor Contacted Distant Family Member. Threat: war,
Followed With An Offer To Buy My Mother’s Property,
Paying Cash in 10 Days, At 60% Of The Asking Price.
2023: Filing in State & Federal Courts In Austin,
After Receiving DHS Evidence Of The Motive:
Maliciously 9Y Removal Proceedings.
Sent To Harlingen More Malice!
Resulted On The Filings in Courts:
State: Warrants Vs Andrew Westbrook,
Already On File Evidence To Prove His Perjuries.
Federal: Found How The Warrants Were Removed,
DHS Provided Evidence: False Arrest, Malicious Acts!
FEDERAL: Filed Records: TAP E Proves FBI Perjuries.
Warrants Removed With Settlement Agreement,
Did Not Use Settlement Agreement (2007)
Retaliation Increased Against Me!
2022 -2023 Hays County Protests,
Taxes Increased 300% in A Single Year,
Protests Were Filed, And Fully Ignored,
Comparables Provided By Review Board,
Improvements & With Commercial Front,
Ignored Fully The Comparables Provided.
Causing To Be Past Due On Property Tax,
Dave Edmonson & Matthew Abraham…
Conceals Name of New Other Neighbor,
Owner of Two Properties On Same Road.
Matters of Concern Upon Investigation,
Include Same Realtor Sold Both Cheap!
Multiple Ownership Transfers in 1 Year.
Currently Under Pending Investigation.
Trying To Sale The Property For Years,
With Slander Of Joe Milner On Deeds,
With Neighbors Causing Big Troubles,
Became Impossible To Sell The Land.
Same Land Milner’s Tried To Steal…
The Other Side Property, ODD Sale,
Reason Michael Voticky is Suspect.
See Daniel Vs Voticky 1999 Travis.
Signed Confidentiality Agreement.
Real Estate Tycoon, Austin Texas.
Matthew Abraham Harassment,
Against The Realtor & Lender,
Results On Notice Attached,
Dated: December 10, 2024
Barricading Right of Way,
Harming The Property…
Stealing The Mail Years!
Removed From Market.
Attached More Events.
July 2024 Huw Williams
The Sister of Sam Lowry,
First Contact Since 2007!
Sister Taking His Children,
Inquiring About My Case!
Federal Filing 2023 Effect?
July 2023, My DL Expires…
Unable To Renew Online…
5+/- Mo For Appointment!
Drive With Expired License,
Entrapment Of DPS Vs Me?
Aug, 2023 Dave Edmonson,
Reaching Distant Relative…
2M Cash Offer After Threat.
Aug-24, Odd Sale of Property,
The Other Neighbor Property…
Owners Sale Cheap “in Hurry”.
Feel Surrounded in Three Sides!
June 2023, Property on Market:
Removed: Vandalism Occurred,
Against Guadalupe Property.
2020 Mailbox Cut Down,
Mailbox Disappeared,
The Mail Loss Begins,
Matthew Bought:
On May-10-2019
Pending Findings…
2014 ICE “Deported”
See The Video Laredo
ICE: Evil False Arrest…
Sent To Harlingen NTA
2014-9Y DHS Involved…
Findings: Federal Filing…
2023 Ends Proceedings…
2014 Warrants Removed,
2013 Federal Case Filings,
TapE Proves Perjuries of FBI,
Using Police Report Of Trevino:
Phone Turned Off Sunday 05-27-07?
2013, State Filings To Remove Warrant:
File Andrew Westbrook Testimony May 30,
Provides Irrefutable Evidence Of His Evil Perjuries.
Who Can Have The Power To “Manipulate” Authorities?
To Commit All Types Of Wrongs For 17 Years? And Reason Why?
Resulting On These Proceedings, News Are Now Global: Worlwide-News.Com
Anger? 1999, Or Anger May 2008 Filing Evidence In Court, Or Anger Reporting Crimes?
Jeremy Morley Who Was Hired in Advance, His Attorneys Fee’s Not Part of Lawsuit 2007, Fishy!
Dave Edmonson And Matthew Abraham Concealed Owner Name Sending Threat With A Cash Offer.
Information Received After Filing Complaint With USPS, He Is Selling Many Of His Properties Already.
Those Who Hide The Most, Are The Ones To INVESTIGATE THE MOST, Investigate Michel Voticky…
Met Samantha Lowry, After Lawsuit Daniel Vs Voticky Ended on 2002 in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
Samantha Return To Me After Finding Attorney Of Voticky Mark Cohen in Playa Del Carmen.
Voticky Owns Several Properties, XXXX of Acres, Several Buildings in Downtown Austin.
Deeply Investigate Premium Properties David Morrison, Voticky & Dietz Dealings.
Sam Did Not Wanted Her Last Name on Her Son, Sebastian Pavon Cuellar…
She May Be in Danger, Investigate As A Matter of Life & Dead Fast!
Witness To International Crimes, Life in Danger!
FBI, Interpol, & Higher! Take Fast Action!
Trump, King Charles: Need Help!
Our Life’s Are in Danger!
100% Love!
Seb Pavon Cuellar
Samantha Sole Request,
To Have Initials “S” “J” or “M”
Please Send $700 Million Check!
Multidimensional Justice DAPACU
Undercover Agents & Judges: 007
There is Justice in The Right…
Upon Funding Of Judgment, Get Free STATEOFTEXAS.TV & Confidentiality Agreement
As Seen On Tv… EXHIBIT.BY Remote Working!
Affidavit: Dad.By/dad
Joe Milner = 03.AL/ass
Jami Milner = 03.AL/evil
Judge Dietz = 10.AL/dietz
APD Police = 03.AL/police
The Mafia = Die.By/fraud
AUSTIN FBI = 10.AL/fbi
USPS: Fix Problem!
APD: “Non Hispanic”
There is Order in The Right!
Equality Starts Without Distinction!
Allergic To All Types Of Formula Baby: APD
Samantha Lowry Vs Samantha Lowry POA (Soon)
The Only Person in The World Who Though Of Texas.is ?
The Mirror Effect: Blame Other, Of What One Does To That Other!
The System Of Justice Created A Proce$$, For Justice To Be Lost in The Proce$$.
Abolish Family Courts: Full Law
What is Mine And My Kin, is Mine,
What is Yours And Your Kin, is Yours,
DNA At Birth Determines Bio Parent,
Child 50% Right For Each Bio Parent,
50% in Time, Expenses & Families.
Bio Parents Signatures Required,
For Abortion To Be Authorized.
Family Court Filing
Live Breaking News
Austin Texas Travis County
Organized Crimes in Travis Courts
An Illegal Alien in Texas
Exposes The Mafia in Courts
Using Their Evidence Vs Them
Breaking News Today
Live Travis County Case
Organized Crimes in Court
Live Breaking News
Mafias in Our Courts
Homicide, Kidnapping,
Trespassing, 35 M Fraud
Illegal Sale of Real Estate
The Forbidden News
Breaking News
Mafias in Courts
Live Breaking News
Live News Today
Austin Texas Family Court
Mafias In Travis County Court
Live Breaking News Today
Working Undercover Ad Defendants
Live Breaking News Today, Real News
Breaking News Live World
World Breaking News Case
Mafias in Our Family Courts
Money Vampires of Courts
Organized Crimes USA
Family Court Mafia
Breaking Live News
The Forbidden News
Mafias in Austin Texas
Family Court Corruption
Homicide, Kidnapping, Fraud
Trespassing And 35 Million Scam
Latest Filing in Travis County
Austin Texas Court
Vs Mafia in Our Courts
Latest Filings 12/12/2024
Breaking News Austin Texas
Latest Filings in Court
Travis County Court
Austin Texas
Vs The Mafia in Our Courts
Family Courts Vampires of Money
Lawsuit Versus Organized Crimes
Evidence Online, Their Evidence!
Travis County Court Austin Texas
Organized Crimes in Family Courts
35 Million Fraud, Homicide, Kidnapping
17 Years Injustice
Travis County Court
Austin Texas Court
Actual Proceedings
Live Breaking News
Austin Texas Family Court
Homicide, Kidnapping, 35 M Fraud
By A 23 Illegal Alien (Also Kidnapped)
The Mafias Of Attorneys, Judges & More
Travis County Court
Criminal Organizations
Using Their Evidence
Against Them: Attorneys Mafia
Organized Crimes
Judges, FBI, Police,
Attorneys For 35 M Fraud
Kidnapping, Trespassing,
Breaking News Today
Austin Texas Courts
Homicide To Sell Land
Kidnapping, Multiple Counts
Trespassing And More... 35 M!
Multidimensional Justice
Travis County Court
Austin Texas Case
Live Breaking News
"The Forbidden News"
Breaking News SUMMARY:
Homicide, Multiple Counts Of Kidnapping,
Trespassing, Fraud of 35 Million, Illegal Sale of Real Estate.
Lawsuit Filed in Travis County Court WITH EVIDENCE To Grant Judgment.
Requesting PROSECUTORS FOR CRIMES COMMITTED. Based on New Evidence,
The Judgment Requested of 70 Million Was Increased To $700 Million Dollars,
Lawsuit is Sent On October 2024, But Travis County Does Not Send it Back!
An inquire is Sent To Travis County Court On December 8, See The Reply!
See How Fast The Matter Escalated And CC NEWS, Courts of England.
Scroll Down To See The EMAILS With The Travis County Court
“Lawsuit:” Was Also Filed in FAMILY COURT, Evil Source!
Click Here For Initial Pleading, Same As Sent On Dec 8,
Upon Response Of Travis County Court, See Replies,
Pleading Requesting Warrants For Arrest Vs Westbrook,
Yet, Forbidden To File The Pleading Myself! Also They Missed Judge Sued!
Center Text Lost The Format, Click Columns (Pictures) on Left And Right (AS FILED)
Click Here: To See EXHIBIT A , Lawsuit Versus The Mafia, VS FBI, VS Police, Injustice 17 Years.
Emphasis 2019 “Dismissed For Want of Prosecution” The Attack Begins… See The Faith Of Facts Below.
These Criminals Take Your Money, Your Assets, You Inheritances, Your Rights, Your Life's Work! By Fraud & Deception!
Email To Travis County Court
What Happened To Filing Of Lawsuit
Sent Certified Mail, Dissapeared!
Email To Travis County Court 6 AM Dec 12
Send To Travis County Court,
To File Again The Lawsuit
Travis County Reply
ALERT 2019 See Lawsuit Events,
2019 Mail Theft Begins
And More Events!
My Two Replies To Travis County
Wait And See What Happens
Warning Was Provided, But Ignored.
8 Pm Email To Court, Filing Again
Defendants Added,
Cc High Court of Justice England.
Cc Also News, Including BBC
Travis County Filing To FAMILY COURT
Cc News, Cc High Court of England
See The Small Text! Waiting Explanation
Word: VsSamanthaLowryPOA
Fight Song! Platten
Family Court Filing
GN Court Filing
Criminal Court Filing
Ends Up in Travis Court
Dismissed Case? MAFIA!
EXHIBIT A Court Notices
Federal Case Filing 2023
Prosecutors Requested
Lawsuit With Evidence!
Who is Judge Money?
No Name, Part of Proceedings!
That is How Absurd Our System is!
INTERPOL, (international Crimes)
Terrorists in Travis County Court,
Live Breaking News Austin Texas
Homicide To Sell Land in Texas,
Kidnapping, Multiple Counts,
Trespassing Homestead
Aided By FBI, POLICE And Austin Texas Court,
On Legal Size Paper, Many More Will Fit...
'The Forbidden News"
200 McCarty Avenue
Albany, NY 12209
(518) 465-7551
Covers 32 counties in northern New York and all of Vermont
4200 Luecking Park Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 889-1300
Covers the entire state of New Mexico
101 East Sixth Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 276-4441
Covers the entire state of Alaska
3000 Flowers Road S
Atlanta, GA 30341
(770) 216-3000
Covers the entire state of Georgia
2600 Lord Baltimore Drive
Baltimore, MD 21244
(410) 265-8080
Covers the entire states of Maryland and Delaware
1000 18th Street North
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 326-6166
Covers the Northern District of Alabama
201 Maple Street
Chelsea, MA 02150
(857) 386-2000
Covers the entire states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island
One FBI Plaza
Buffalo, NY 14202
(716) 856-7800
Covers 17 counties in western New York
7915 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
(704) 672-6100
Covers the entire state of North Carolina
2111 W. Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 421-6700
Covers 18 counties in northern Illinois extending from Interstate 80 north to the Wisconsin border, east to Indiana, and west to Iowa
2012 Ronald Reagan Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 421-4310
Covers 48 counties throughout central and southern Ohio
1501 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 522-1400
Covers 40 counties in Ohio
222 Caughman Farm Lane Lexington, SC, 29072 columbia.fbi.gov
(803) 551-4200
Covers the entire state of South Carolina
One Justice Way
Dallas, TX 75220
(972) 559-5000
Covers 137 counties in North Texas and portions of East and West Texas
8000 East 36th Avenue
Denver, CO 80238
(303) 629-7171
Covers the entire states of Colorado and Wyoming
477 Michigan Ave., 26th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 965-2323
Covers the entire state of Michigan, including the Upper Peninsula
El Paso
El Paso
El Paso Federal Justice Center
660 South Mesa Hills Drive
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 832-5000
Covers 17 counties in western Texas
91-1300 Enterprise Street
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 566-4300
Covers the state of Hawai’i, Guam, U.S. Commonwealth in the Pacific Ocean (CNMI), and American Samoa
1 Justice Park Drive
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 693-5000
Covers 40 counties in southeastern Texas
8825 Nelson B Klein Pkwy
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(317) 595-4000
Covers the entire state of Indiana
1220 Echelon Parkway
Jackson, MS 39213
(601) 948-5000
Covers the entire state of Mississippi
6061 Gate Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 248-7000
Covers 40 counties throughout northern Florida
Kansas City
Kansas City
11180 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64153
(816) 512-8200
Covers the Western District of Missouri and the entire state of Kansas
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
1787 West Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89106-2135
(702) 385-1281
Covers the entire state of Nevada
Little Rock
Little Rock
24 Shackleford West Boulevard
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 221-9100
Covers the entire state of Arkansas
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
11000 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 477-6565
Covers the Central District of California
12401 Sycamore Station Place
Louisville, KY 40299-6198
(502) 263-6000
Covers the entire state of Kentucky
2030 SW 145th Avenue
Miramar, FL 33027
(754) 703-2000
Covers nine counties in southern Florida and is responsible for addressing extraterritorial violations of American citizens in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America
3600 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235
(414) 276-4684
Covers the entire state of Wisconsin
1501 Freeway Boulevard
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
(763) 569-8000
Covers the entire states of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota
200 North Royal Street
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 438-3674
Covers the Middle Judicial District of Alabama and the Southern Judicial District of Alabama
2868 Elm Hill Pike
Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 232-7500
Covers the entire state of Tennessee
New Haven
New Haven
600 State Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 777-6311
Covers the entire state of Connecticut
New Orleans
New Orleans
2901 Leon C. Simon Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70126
(504) 816-3000
Covers the entire state of Louisiana
New York
New York
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10278-0004
(212) 384-1000
Covers the five boroughs of New York City, eight counties in New York state, and La Guardia Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport. Additional responsibility for extraterritorial violations of American citizens in Africa, Canada, United Kingdom, and Western Europe.
Claremont Tower
11 Centre Place
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 792-3000
Covers the state of New Jersey except for three counties covered by FBI Philadelphia (Camden, Gloucester, and Salem)
509 Resource Row
Chesapeake, VA 23320
(757) 455-0100
Covers the southeastern part of Virginia, including the Southside, Peninsula, and the Virginia Eastern Shore
Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City
3301 West Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73134-7098
(405) 290-7770
Covers the entire state of Oklahoma
4411 South 121st Court
Omaha, NE 68137-2112
(402) 493-8688
Covers the entire states of Nebraska and Iowa
William J. Green, Jr. Building
600 Arch Street, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 418-4000
Covers eastern Pennsylvania and three counties in New Jersey
21711 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85024
(623) 466-1999
Covers the entire state of Arizona and Grand Canyon National Park
3311 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
(412) 432-4000
Covers 25 counties in western Pennsylvania as well as the entire state of West Virginia
9109 NE Cascades Parkway
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 224-4181
Covers the entire state of Oregon
1970 East Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 261-1044
Covers most of the state of Virginia—82 counties and 24 independent cities—except Northern Virginia and the Eastern Shore
2001 Freedom Way
Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 746-7000
Covers the 34-county Eastern District of California
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
5425 West Amelia Earhart Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(801) 579-1400
Covers the entire states of Utah, Idaho, and Montana
San Antonio
San Antonio
5740 University Heights Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 225-6741
Covers 59 counties in southern Texas
San Diego
San Diego
10385 Vista Sorrento Parkway
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 320-1800
Covers San Diego and Imperial Counties in southern California.
San Francisco
San Francisco
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523
(415) 553-7400
Covers 15 counties and Palo Alto in northern California
San Juan
San Juan
140 Carlos Chardon Avenue
Hato Rey, PR 00918
(787) 987-6500
Covers Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
1110 3rd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101-2904
(206) 622-0460
Covers the entire state of Washington
900 East Linton Avenue
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 522-9675
Covers central and southern Illinois
St. Louis
St. Louis
2222 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 589-2500
Covers the Eastern District of Missouri
5525 West Gray Street
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 253-1000
Covers 18 counties in central and southwest Florida
601 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20535
(202) 278-2000
Covers the District of Columbia and several counties in Northern Virginia
Argentina: Oficina Anticorrupción
Australia: National Anti-Corruption Commission, Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
Australian Capital Territory: ACT Integrity Commission
New South Wales: Independent Commission Against Corruption
Northern Territory: Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Queensland: Crime and Corruption Commission
South Australia: Independent Commission Against Corruption
Tasmania: Integrity Commission
Victoria: Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, Office of Police Integrity (defunct)
Western Australia: Corruption and Crime Commission
Austria: Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung (BAK)
Azerbaijan: Commission on Combating Corruption, Anti-Corruption General Directorate with the Prosecutor General
Bangladesh: Anti Corruption Commission
Belarus: Department of financial investigations of the Committee of State Control
Brazil: Comptroller General
Myanmar: Anti-Corruption Commission
Burundi: Anti-corruption and Economic Malpractice Observatory
Bhutan: Anti-Corruption Commission
Botswana: Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime
Cameroon: National Anti-Corruption Observatory
Quebec: Unité permanente anticorruption
Cayman Islands: Anti-Corruption Commission
China: National Supervisory Commission, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Military Commission
Hong Kong: Independent Commission Against Corruption
Macau: Commission Against Corruption
Republic of China (Taiwan): Agency Against Corruption Ministry of Justice [zh], Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau
Egypt: Administrative Control Authority
Ethiopia: Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission[dead link]
European Union: European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
Fiji: Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption
France: Agence française anticorruption [fr]
India: Central Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, Lokayukta
Andhra Pradesh: Anti-Corruption Bureau, Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta
Rajasthan: Anti-Corruption Bureau
Kerala: Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau, Kerala Lokayukta
Indonesia: Corruption Eradication Commission
Iraq: Iraq Anti Corruption[dead link]
Italy: National Anti-Corruption Authority, Guardia di Finanza
Jamaica: Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency National Integrity Action
Japan: Special Investigation Department, Public Prosecutors Office
Kazakhstan: Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
Latvia: Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau
Liberia: Anti-Corruption Commission
Lithuania: Special Investigation Service
Madagascar: Bureau Indépendant Anti-corruption
Malaysia: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
Mauritius: Independent Commission Against Corruption
Myanmar: Anti-Corruption Commission of Myanmar
Namibia: Anti-Corruption Commission
Nepal: Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority
New Zealand: Serious Fraud Office
Nigeria: Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Independent Corrupt Practices Commission
Pakistan: National Accountability Bureau
Papua New Guinea: Investigation Task Force Sweep
Philippines: Ombudsman of the Philippines
Poland: Central Anticorruption Bureau
Qatar: Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center
Romania: National Anticorruption Directorate, Direcția Generală Anticorupție
Russia: Investigative Committee of Russia
Saudi Arabia: National Anti-Corruption Commission[dead link]
Serbia: Anti-Corruption Agency[dead link]
Seychelles: Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Anti-corruption Commission
Singapore: Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau
Slovenia: Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Slovenia
South Africa: National Anti-Corruption Forum
South Korea: Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption (defunct)
Spain: Servicio Nacional de Coordinación Antifraude
Andalucía: Oficina Andaluza contra el Fraude y la Corrupción
Valencia: Agencia Valenciana Antifrau
Catalonia: Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya
Trinidad and Tobago: Integrity Commission of Trinidad and Tobago, Anti-Corruption Investigation Bureau
Ukraine: National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Civil Oversight Council of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine, High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine, European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine
United Kingdom:
England, Wales, Northern Ireland: Serious Fraud Office
Turks and Caicos Islands: Integrity Commission
United States: Public Integrity Section, Department of Justice, FBI Criminal Investigative Division, IRS Criminal Investigation Division, Office of Inspector General
Vietnam: Central Inspection Commission, Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption
Zimbabwe: Anti-Corruption Commission[dead link]
U.S. Government
Department of Commerce – Office of General Counsel
Department of Commerce - Trade Compliance Center
Department of State – Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Department of State – Bureau of Energy, Economic, and Business Affairs
Securities and Exchange Commission – Spotlight on the FCPA
Royal Canadian Mounted Police – International Corruption Unit
La Unidad Especializada Anticorrupción (UNAC) de la Fiscalía Nacional
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris
Ministere de la Justice et des Libertés – Service Central de la Prévention de la Corruption
Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione
Republic of Korea
Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission
Federal Department of Justice and Police
United Kingdom
Serious Fraud Office
National Crime Agency - International Corruption Unit (ICU)
Department for Business Innovation & Skills – Combating International Corruption
Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands Anti-Corruption Commission
Report a FCPA Violation FCPA.Fraud@usdoj.gov
Here are some US agencies that work to prevent and detect corruption:
The Inspector General
This agency in the US Department of the Treasury conducts independent audits, investigations, and reviews to help the department prevent and detect fraud and abuse.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The SEC's mission is to protect investors, maintain fair markets, and promote a market environment that is worthy of the public's trust.
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC)
The FCSC adjudicates claims against foreign governments for losses and injuries sustained by US nationals.
The US Agency for International Development's anti-corruption work aims to protect resources crucial for development.
Grid/Map View | United States Department of Justice
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC) FCSC's mission is to adjudicate claims against foreign governments for losses and inju...
United States Department of Justice (.gov)
Anti-Corruption | U.S. Agency for International Development
USAID's anti-corruption work aims to protect resources crucial for development and deliver on the promise of democracy as a system...
U.S. Agency for International Development (.gov)
Bureaus | U.S. Department of the Treasury
The Inspector General conducts independent audits, investigations and reviews to help the Treasury Department accomplish its missi...
U.S. Department of the Treasury (.gov)
Show all
Generative AI is experimental.
Anti-Corruption Sites
Department of Commerce – Office of General Counsel.
Department of Commerce - Trade Compliance Center.
Department of State – Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.
Department of State – Bureau of Energy, Economic, and Business Affairs.
Government Agencies / United States / law enforcement
United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
United States Marshals Service
Drug Enforcement Administration
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
United States Secret Service
United States Park Police
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Central Intelligence Agency
National Institute of Justice
Community Oriented Policing Services
United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General
New York City Police Department
United States Capitol Police
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
Federal Protective Service
Diplomatic Security Service
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
IRS Criminal Investigation
United States Postal Inspection Service
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Texas Department of Public Safety
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations
Office of Inspector General for the Department of Transportation
Coast Guard Investigative Service
Office of Export Enforcement
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State
Criminal Investigation Division
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General
United States Office of Personnel Management
Defense Intelligence Agency
United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General
United States Department of the Treasury
Virginia State Police
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Indiana State Police
North Carolina State Highway Patrol
Ohio State Highway Patrol
California Highway Patrol
Department of Public Safety
New York State Police
Massachusetts State Police
Connecticut State Police
Pennsylvania State Police
New Jersey State Police
Washington State Patrol
Maryland State Police
Illinois State Police
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Date founded: July 1, 1972
Drug Enforcement Administration
Date founded: July 1, 1973
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date founded: July 26, 1908
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Date founded: May 14, 1930
United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division
Date founded: 1919
INTERPOL Washington
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Date founded: January 9, 1983
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Date founded: April 6, 1953
United States Marshals Service
Date founded: 1789
United States Trustee Program
National Institute of Corrections
Date founded: 1974
United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General
Date founded: March 29, 1989
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Date founded: 1984
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Date founded: December 27, 1979
Office of Justice Programs
Date founded: 1984
Office of Professional Responsibility
Date founded: December 8, 1975
United States Department of Justice
Date founded: July 1, 1870
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Date founded: 1974
Office of Legal Counsel
Date founded: 1934
Office of the Attorney General
Community Relations Service
Date founded: 1964
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Solicitor General
U.S. Attorneys
Seal of the Department of Justice
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
VCF was created to provide compensation for any individual (or a personal representative of a deceased individual) who suffered physical harm or was killed as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001 or the debris removal efforts that took place in the immediate aftermath of those crashes.
DOJ Antitrust Division Seal
Antitrust Division
The Division's mission is to promote competition in the U.S. economy through enforcement of, improvements to, and education about antitrust laws and principles.
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives Seal
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
ATF protects the public from crimes involving firearms, explosives, arson, and the diversion of alcohol and tobacco products; regulates lawful commerce in firearms and explosives; and provides worldwide support to law enforcement, public safety, and industry partners.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
BJA’s mission is to provide leadership and services in grant administration and criminal justice policy development to support state, local, and tribal justice strategies to achieve safer communities. BJA works with communities, governments, and nonprofit organizations to reduce crime, recidivism, and unnecessary confinement, and promote a safe and fair criminal justice system.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
BJS's mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. These data are critical to Federal, State, and local policymakers in combating crime and ensuring that justice is both efficient and evenhanded.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Civil Division
The Civil Division represents the United States in any civil or criminal matter within its scope of responsibility – protecting the United States Treasury, ensuring that the federal government speaks with one voice in its view of the law, preserving the intent of Congress, and advancing the credibility of the government before the courts.
DOJ Civil Rights Division Seal
Civil Rights Division
The Division enforces the laws prohibiting discrimination in education, employment, credit, housing, public accommodations and facilities, voting, and certain federally funded and conducted programs.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
The COPS Office is responsible for advancing the practice of community policing by the nation's state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies through information and grant resources.
Community Relations Service (CRS)
CRS serves as “America's Peacemaker” for the U.S. Department of Justice. CRS helps local communities address community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin. CRS also helps communities develop strategies to prevent and respond to violent hate crimes committed on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS)
Through CTAS, federally-recognized tribes and tribal consortia are able to submit a single application for most of the Justice Department’s tribal grant programs.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Criminal Division
The Criminal Division's mission is to serve the public interest through the enforcement of criminal statutes in a vigorous, fair, and effective manner; and to exercise general supervision over the enforcement of all federal criminal laws, with the exception of those statutes specifically assigned to the Antitrust, Civil Rights, Environment and Natural Resources, or Tax Divisions.
Picture of Drug Enforcement Agency Logo
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
DEA's mission is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the U.S. and bring to the criminal and civil justice system those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States; and to recommend and support non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Elder Justice Initiative
The Elder Justice Initiative's mission is to support and coordinate the Department’s enforcement and programmatic efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect and financial fraud and scams that target our nation’s older adults.
DOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division Seal
Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD)
ENRD's mission is to enforce the Nation’s civil and criminal environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and hazardous waste laws. ENRD's mission also involves the protection of the Nation’s natural resources and handling cases relating to tribal rights and resources.
Executive Office for Immigration Review Seal
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
EOIR's primary mission is to adjudicate immigration cases by fairly, expeditiously, and uniformly interpreting and administering the Nation’s immigration laws. Under delegated authority from the Attorney General, EOIR conducts immigration court proceedings, appellate reviews, and administrative hearings.
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Seal
Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF)
OCDETF's mission is to reduce the supply of illegal drugs in the United States and diminish the violence and other criminal activity associated with the drug trade. To accomplish this mission, the OCDETF Program leverages the skills and expertise of prosecutors and agents from federal, state, and local agencies to combat the most prolific drug trafficking and money laundering organizations.
United States Attorneys' Offices Seal
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA)
EOUSA provides executive and administrative support for the 93 United States Attorneys located throughout the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands. Such support includes legal education, administrative oversight, technical support, and the creation of uniform policies, among other responsibilities.
FBI Seal
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
The FBI is a national security and law enforcement agency that uses, collects, and shares intelligence in all it does. As the only member of the Intelligence Community with broad authority to address criminal and national security threats to the Homeland, the FBI has a sworn duty to protect all Americans by staying ahead of the threat. The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution.
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Seal
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
BOP protects public safety by ensuring that federal offenders serve their sentences of imprisonment in facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and provide reentry programming to ensure their successful return to the community.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)
FARA requires persons working on behalf of foreign governments or other foreign principals (including Americans) to disclose their relationships to foreign principals and information about their activities.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC)
FCSC's mission is to adjudicate claims against foreign governments for losses and injuries sustained by United States nationals, pursuant to programs authorized by statute or under international agreements.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Hate Crimes
DOJ is dedicated to preventing and fighting hate crimes. DOJ works to prevent hate crimes by supporting community education and dialogue, and providing support, technical assistance, and funding to state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies and service providers.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Heroin and Opioid Awareness
The opioid crisis is the deadliest drug crisis in American history. DOJ is part of collaborative effort to raise awareness and develop strategies and solutions for affected communities.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Human Trafficking
DOJ's anti-trafficking efforts include: investigations, prosecutions, services for victims, trainings, enforcement and outreach initiatives to strengthen anti-trafficking partnerships, innovative prevention efforts, capacity-building programs that advance survivor-centered anti-trafficking strategies, and grant funding to state, local, and tribal authorities and to non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Interpol Washington Seal
INTERPOL Washington
INTERPOL Washington's mission is to facilitate international law enforcement cooperation as the United States representative to INTERPOL on behalf of the Attorney General.
Justice Management Division (JMD) Seal
Justice Management Division (JMD)
JMD's mission is to strengthen the Department’s capacity to achieve its goals and objectives, maximize return on program investments, and deliver quality and timely services pertaining to organization, management, and administration. JMD provides advice and counsel to senior management officials relating to all administrative functions of the Department.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Lawful Access
Because of warrant-proof encryption, the government often cannot obtain the electronic evidence necessary to investigate and prosecute threats to public safety and national security, even with a warrant or court order.
Seal of the Department of Justice
National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF)
NCDF works to improve and further the detection, prevention, investigation, and prosecution of fraud related to natural and man-made disasters, and to advocate for the victims of such fraud.
National Institue of Corrections Seal
National Institute of Corrections (NIC)
The National Institute of Corrections is a center of learning, innovation and leadership that shapes and advances effective correctional practice and public policy.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the Department of Justice. The Institute is dedicated to improving knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues through science.
DOJ National Security Division Seal
National Security Division (NSD)
NSD's mission is to protect the United States from threats to our national security by pursuing justice through the law.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office for Access to Justice (ATJ)
ATJ was reestablished as a standalone agency in October 2021 to address the access-to-justice crisis in the criminal and civil justice system. ATJ’s mission is to help the justice system efficiently deliver outcomes that are fair and accessible to all, irrespective of wealth and status. ATJ is dedicated to improving the federal government’s understanding of and capacity to address the most urgent legal needs of communities across America.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
OVC is committed to enhancing the Nation’s capacity to assist crime victims and to providing leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all victims of crime.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Attorney Recruitment & Management (OARM)
The Department of Justice is the world's largest law office, employing more than 9,200 attorneys. OARM exercises delegated authority to take final action in matters pertaining to the employment, separation and general administration of Department attorneys and law students in grades GS-15 (or equivalent) and below: it recruits, appoints, and determines their suitability for employment. OARM is also the Department's adjudicative office in FBI Whistleblower cases.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ)
OEJ's mission is to protect overburdened and underserved communities from the harm caused by environmental crimes, pollutions and climate change.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Information Policy (OIP)
OIP is responsible for encouraging agency compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
OJP’s mission is to increase public safety and improve the fair administration of justice across America through innovative leadership and programs.
National Security Division Seal
Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism (DOJ/OVT)
The Office supports U.S. victims of terrorism overseas by helping them navigate foreign criminal justice systems and by advocating for their voices to be heard around the world.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
OJJDP provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to youth delinquency and victimization. The Office helps states, localities, and Tribes develop effective and equitable juvenile justice systems that create safer communities and empower youth to lead productive lives.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
OLC's mission is to assist the Attorney General in carrying out his/her statutory responsibility of furnishing legal advice to the President and the heads of the executive and military departments, and to provide legal advice and assistance to other DOJ components upon request.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Legal Policy (OLP)
OLP's mission is to develop and implement the Department’s significant policy initiatives, handle special projects that implicate the interests of multiple Department components, coordinate with other interested Department components and other Executive Branch agencies, and serve as the primary policy advisor to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General; it also reviews and coordinates all regulations promulgated by the Department and all of its components, assists the Attorney General with responsibilities in recommending candidates for federal judgeships, and coordinates the judicial nomination and confirmation process with the White House and the Senate.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA)
OLA represents the Department before Congress and its various committees, managing all interactions regarding cases and investigations, policy, legislation, political appointments and nominations, and other matters in a manner consistent with the Department’s law enforcement, litigation, and national security responsibilities. OLA is responsible for developing strategies to execute the Attorney General’s legislative initiatives.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties (OPCL)
OPCL supports the duties and responsibilities of the Department’s Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer (CPCLO). The principle mission of OPCL is to protect the privacy and civil liberties of the American people by reviewing and overseeing the Department’s privacy operations and ensuring its privacy compliance, including compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and the E-Government Act of 2002; assisting the CPCLO in developing Departmental privacy policy and refining Department policies relating to the protection of civil liberties of individuals.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
Under Attorney General Order No. 1931-94, OPR has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of misconduct by Department of Justice attorneys that relate to the exercise of their authority to investigate, litigate, or provide legal advice; and to investigate allegations of misconduct by law enforcement personnel when they are related to allegations of misconduct by attorneys within the jurisdiction of OPR.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
OPA's mission is to coordinate the relations of the Department of Justice with the news media and serve as the center for information about all organizational units of the Department.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Seal
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART)
SMART's mission is to assist with implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act and provide assistance to criminal justice professionals across the entire spectrum of sex offender management activities needed to ensure public safety.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of Tribal Justice (OTJ)
The Office of Tribal Justice is the primary point of contact for the Department of Justice with federally recognized Native American tribes, and advises the Department on legal and policy matters pertaining to Native Americans.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Associate Attorney General
This Office advises and assists the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General in formulating and implementing Departmental policies and programs pertaining to a broad range of civil justice, federal and local law enforcement, and public safety matters.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Attorney General
This Office supervises and directs the administration and operation of the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Bureau of Prisons, Office of Justice Programs, and the U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals Service.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Deputy Attorney General
This Office advises and assists the Attorney General in formulating and implementing Departmental policies and programs and in providing overall supervision and direction to all organizational units of the Department.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Executive Secretariat (OES)
The Office of the Executive Secretariat serves as a liaison between DOJ’s leadership offices and its components by overseeing the review and approval of official documents and coordinating the flow of information critical to rigorous decision making.
Department of Justice - Office of the Inspector General Seal
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
OIG's mission is to promote integrity, efficiency, and accountability within DOJ. The OIG investigates alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by employees and also audits and inspects programs.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Pardon Attorney (PARDON)
The Office assists the President in the exercise of executive clemency. Under the Constitution, the President's clemency power extends only to federal criminal offenses. All requests for executive clemency for federal offenses are directed to the Pardon Attorney for investigation and review. The Pardon Attorney prepares DOJ's recommendation to the President for final disposition of each application. Executive clemency may take several forms, including pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)
OSG's mission is to represent the interests of the United States before the Supreme Court and to oversee appellate and certain other litigation on behalf of the United States in the lower federal and state courts.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
OVW provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Open Government Directive
The Open Government Directive breaks down long-standing barriers between the Federal government and the people it serves.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO)
PRAO's primary mission is to provide professional responsibility advice, litigation support, and training to Department officials and attorneys.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood is a unified and comprehensive strategy to combat child exploitation. Initiated in May, 2006, Project Safe Childhood combines law enforcement efforts, community action, and public awareness.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)
PSN is a nationwide initiative that brings together federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officials, prosecutors, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify the most pressing violent crime problems in a community and develop comprehensive solutions to address them.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Reducing Gun Violence
DOJ is taking steps to help address gun violence affecting communities across the country.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative
The Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative coordinates with Department of Justice components and federal agencies to build a comprehensive legal support and protection network focused on serving servicemembers, veterans, and their families.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Special Counsel's Office - David C. Weiss
The Attorney General has the authority to appoint Special Counsels to conduct criminal investigations and possible prosecutions.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Special Counsel's Office - Jack Smith
The Attorney General has the authority to appoint Special Counsels to conduct criminal investigations and possible prosecutions.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Special Counsel's Office - John Durham
The Attorney General has the authority to appoint Special Counsels to conduct criminal investigations and possible prosecutions.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Special Counsel's Office - Robert K. Hur
The Attorney General has the authority to appoint Special Counsels to conduct criminal investigations and possible prosecutions.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Tax Division
The Tax Division's mission is to enforce the nation's tax laws fully, fairly, and consistently, through both criminal and civil litigation, in order to promote voluntary compliance with the tax laws, maintain public confidence in the integrity of the tax system, and promote the sound development of the law.
Seal of the Department of Justice
Tribal Justice and Safety
In June 2009, the Justice Department announced the launch of a major new initiative to increase engagement, coordination and action on public safety in tribal communities.
United States Attorneys' Offices Seal
U.S. Attorneys' Offices
Charged with ensuring “that the laws be faithfully executed,” the 93 United States Attorneys (USAOs) work to enforce federal laws throughout the country. The President appoints a United States Attorney to each of the 94 federal districts.
United States Marshal Seal
U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)
The U.S. Marshals Service's mission is to enforce federal laws and provide support to virtually all elements of the federal justice system by providing for the security of federal court facilities and the safety of judges and other court personnel; apprehending criminals; exercising custody of federal prisoners and providing for their security and transportation to correctional facilities; executing federal court orders; seizing assets gained by illegal means and providing for the custody, management, and disposal of forfeited assets; assuring the safety of endangered government witnesses and their families; and collecting and disbursing funds.
Seal of the Department of Justice
U.S. Parole Commission (USPC)
USPC's mission is to promote public safety and strive for justice and fairness in the exercise of its authority to release and revoke offenders under its jurisdiction.
United States Trustee Seal
U.S. Trustee Program
The mission of the United States Trustee Program is to promote the integrity and efficiency of the bankruptcy system for the benefit of all stakeholders – debtors, creditors, and the public.
Seal of the Department of Justice
U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (USVSST Fund)
The U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund provides compensation to certain U.S. persons who were injured in acts of international state-sponsored terrorism.
Seal of the Department of Justice
U.S. Victims of Terrorism Abroad Task Force
The Task Force coordinates and enhances the U.S. government response when an act of international terrorism affects U.S. citizens overseas.
All People: Actors, FBI, Police, Presidents, And Even Criminals!
Are Victims of These Crimes or Will Be... Attorneys Mafias.
FBI You Have Been Sued, Police, You Have Been Sued.
Now The Righteous, Have Access To Evidence In Courts. Do Justice Please!
Wanted Criminal, Wanted Conspiracy, Manipulated All The Way To Top!
Exposure of Case
Increasing Fast
Mafias in Court
Abolish Family Court
Austin Breaking News
Cc News Release
Travis County Courts
Mafias in Family Court
Cc Texas Authorities
Requesting Help
Cc Texas Courts
Uk & Mx Authorities
Once Kidnapped By Milner's
Daily Contact With These Authorities,
UK, MX & USA Authorities, Now The Update.
Breaking News Uk Courts & News
Cc News Release For Them To Know.
Seb Was Kidnapped To England,
Who Will Do Justice? Uk or US
High Rank Officials
Latest Report Sent
Requesting Justice!
oag@dc.gov, oagpress@dc.gov, oagcommunity@dc.gov, antitrust@dc.gov, UCR-NIBRS@fbi.gov, Barry.bratburd@ojp.usdoj.gov, commissioners-court@traviscountytx.gov, Travis.CivilCourts@traviscountytx.gov, Caralin.Branscum@usdoj.gov , districtclerkhelp@traviscountytx.gov, JP2@traviscountytx.gov, Courts-Help@traviscountytx.gov, Jillian.Barnas@usdoj.gov , 200.Submission.@traviscountytx.gov, Megan.Chambers@usdoj.gov, dcseateam@traviscountytx.gov, Richard.Adrien@usdoj.gov, Roxanne.Allen@usdoj.gov, court@austintexas.gov, Antitrust.ATR@usdoj.gov, Benjamin.Adams@ojp.usdoj.gov, osec@doj.gov.ph, info@justice.ie, foipaquestions@fbi.gov, public.affairs@fbi.gov, Benjamin.Adams@ojp.usdoj.gov, Brett.Chapman@ojp.usdoj.gov, Cheryl.Crawford.Watson@ojp.usdoj.gov, Danielle.Crimmins@usdoj.gov, Megan.Dunn@ojp.usdoj.gov, Ruth.Garcia@ojp.usdoj.gov, Sheena.Gilbert@usdoj.gov, Mark.Greene@ojp.usdoj.gov, Jennifer.Grotpeter@ojp.usdoj.gov, Tamara.Herold@usdoj.gov, Charles.Heurich@ojp.usdoj.gov, Erica.Howell@usdoj.gov, Danielle.McLeod-Henning@ojp.usdoj.gov, Jennifer.Scherer@ojp.usdoj.gov, Rachel.Shefchek@usdoj.gov, George.Tillery@ojp.usdoj.gov,
National Security Branch
The National Security Branch (NSB) combines the missions, capabilities, and resources of the FBI’s national security elements under the leadership of a senior FBI official.
Executive Assistant Director – Robert R. Wells
Counterintelligence Division – Kevin Vorndran
Counterterrorism Division – David J. Scott
Terrorist Screening Center – Michael Glasheen
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate – Susan Ferensic
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force
Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
Executive Assistant Director – Michael D. Nordwall
Criminal Investigative Division – B. Chad Yarbrough
Critical Incident Response Group – Robert W. “Wes” Wheeler Jr.
Cyber Division – Bryan A. Vorndran
International Operations Division – Oliver E. Rich, Jr.
Victim Services Division – Ashley T. Johnson (Acting)
FBI Intelligence Analyst
Intelligence Branch
The FBI’s Intelligence Branch (IB) supports intelligence operations across our field offices and Headquarters divisions by managing our intelligence strategy, resources, policies, and programs.
Executive Assistant Director – Ryan T. Young
Directorate of Intelligence – Tonya Ugoretz
Office of Partner Engagement – Robert J. Contee III
Office of Private Sector – Gretchen Burrier (Acting)
Director Christopher Wray
Deputy Director – Paul Abbate
Associate Deputy Director – Timothy M. Dunham (acting)
Chief of Staff – Corey F. Ellis
Finance and Facilities Division – Nicholas Dimos
Information Management Division – Shannon Parry
Insider Threat Office – Janeen DiGuiseppi
Inspection Division – Jay Greenberg
Office of the Chief Information Officer – Jeff Bauerlein
Office of Congressional Affairs – Patrick Findlay
Office of Diversity and Inclusion – Dr. Jenise Carroll
Office of EEO Affairs – Anna Middlebrook
Office of the General Counsel – Bradley Brooker
Office of Integrity and Compliance – Catherine Bruno
Office of Internal Auditing – Cindy Hall
Office of the Ombuds – M. Katherine Manderson
Office of Professional Responsibility – Rick McNally
Office of Public Affairs – Cathy L. Milhoan
Resource Planning Office – Caroline Otto
National Security Branch
The National Security Branch (NSB) combines the missions, capabilities, and resources of the FBI’s national security elements under the leadership of a senior FBI official.
Executive Assistant Director – Robert R. Wells
Counterintelligence Division – Kevin Vorndran
Counterterrorism Division – David J. Scott
Terrorist Screening Center – Michael Glasheen
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate – Susan Ferensic
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force
Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
Executive Assistant Director – Michael D. Nordwall
Criminal Investigative Division – B. Chad Yarbrough
Critical Incident Response Group – Robert W. “Wes” Wheeler Jr.
Cyber Division – Bryan A. Vorndran
International Operations Division – Oliver E. Rich, Jr.
Victim Services Division – Ashley T. Johnson (Acting)
FBI Intelligence Analyst
Intelligence Branch
The FBI’s Intelligence Branch (IB) supports intelligence operations across our field offices and Headquarters divisions by managing our intelligence strategy, resources, policies, and programs.
Executive Assistant Director – Ryan T. Young
Directorate of Intelligence – Tonya Ugoretz
Office of Partner Engagement – Robert J. Contee III
Office of Private Sector – Gretchen Burrier (Acting)
Acting Director
Jeffrey Grimming
Attorney General
Merrick B. Garland
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States of America
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of The United States of America,
Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Ketanji Brown Jackson, Associate Justice of The United States of America
Anthony M. Kennedy (Retired), Associate Justice of The United States of America
David H. Souter (Retired), Associate Justice of The United States of America
Stephen G. Breyer (Retired), Associate Justice,
District United States Attorney
Alabama, Middle
Kevin P. Davidson ^
Alabama, Northern
Prim F. Escalona
Alabama, Southern
Sean Costello
S. Lane Tucker *
Gary M. Restaino *
Arkansas, Eastern
Jonathan D. Ross
Arkansas, Western
Clay Fowlkes
California, Central
E. Martin Estrada *
California, Eastern
Phillip A. Talbert *
California, Northern
Ismail J. Ramsey *
California, Southern
Tara K. McGrath *
Matthew T. Kirsch ^
Vanessa Roberts Avery *
David C. Weiss *
District of Columbia
Matthew M. Graves *
Florida, Middle
Roger B. Handberg *
Florida, Northern
Jason R. Coody
Florida, Southern
Markenzy Lapointe *
Georgia, Middle
Peter D. Leary *
Georgia, Northern
Ryan K. Buchanan *
Georgia, Southern
Jill E. Steinberg *
Guam & Northern Mariana Islands
Shawn N. Anderson
Clare E. Connors *
Joshua D. Hurwit *
Illinois, Central
Gregory K. Harris *
Illinois, Northern
Morris Pasqual ^
Illinois, Southern
Rachelle L. Crowe *
Indiana, Northern
Clifford D. Johnson *
Indiana, Southern
Zachary A. Myers *
Iowa, Northern
Timothy Duax
Iowa, Southern
Richard D. Westphal
Kate E. Brubacher *
Kentucky, Eastern
Carlton S. Shier IV
Kentucky, Western
Michael A. Bennett
Louisiana, Eastern
Duane A. Evans
Louisiana, Middle
Ronald C. Gathe, Jr. *
Louisiana, Western
Brandon B. Brown *
Darcie N. McElwee *
Erek L. Barron *
Joshua S. Levy
Michigan, Eastern
Dawn N. Ison *
Michigan, Western
Mark A. Totten *
Andrew M. Luger *
Mississippi, Northern
James C. "Clay" Joyner
Mississippi, Southern
Todd W. Gee *
Missouri, Eastern
Sayler A. Fleming
Missouri, Western
Teresa A. Moore
Jesse A. Laslovich *
Susan T. Lehr
Jason M. Frierson *
New Hampshire
Jane E. Young *
New Jersey
Philip R. Sellinger *
New Mexico
Alexander M.M. Uballez *
New York, Eastern
Breon S. Peace *
New York, Northern
Carla B. Freedman *
New York, Southern
Edward Y. Kim ^
New York, Western
Trini E. Ross *
North Carolina, Eastern
Michael F. Easley, Jr. *
North Carolina, Middle
Sandra J. Hairston *
North Carolina, Western
Dena J. King *
North Dakota
McLain J. Schneider *
Ohio, Northern
Rebecca C. Lutzko
Ohio, Southern
Kenneth L. Parker *
Oklahoma, Eastern
Christopher Wilson
Oklahoma, Northern
Clinton J. Johnson
Oklahoma, Western
Robert J. Troester
Natalie K. Wight *
Pennsylvania, Eastern
Jacqueline C. Romero *
Pennsylvania, Middle
Gerard M. Karam *
Pennsylvania, Western
Eric G. Olshan *
Puerto Rico
W. Stephen Muldrow *
Rhode Island
Zachary A. Cunha *
South Carolina
Adair F. Boroughs *
South Dakota
Alison J. Ramsdell
Tennessee, Eastern
Francis M. Hamilton III
Tennessee, Middle
Thomas J. Jaworski ^
Tennessee, Western
Reagan T. Fondren ^
Texas, Eastern
Damien M. Diggs *
Texas, Northern
Leigha Simonton *
Texas, Southern
Alamdar S. Hamdani *
Texas, Western
Jaime E. Esparza *
Trina A. Higgins *
Nikolas P. Kerest *
Virgin Islands
Delia L. Smith *
Virginia, Eastern
Jessica D. Aber *
Virginia, Western
Christopher R. Kavanaugh *
Washington, Eastern
Vanessa Waldref *
Washington, Western
Tessa M. Gorman
West Virginia, Northern
William J. Ihlenfeld *
West Virginia, Southern
William S. Thompson *
Wisconsin, Eastern
Gregory J. Haanstad *
Wisconsin, Western
Timothy O'Shea
Eric Heimann ^
Kristen Clarke
Assistant Attorney General
List of Department of Justice appointments by Joe Biden
• List of Department of Justice appointments by Donald Trump
• J. Christian Adams
• Mónica Ramírez Almadani
• Robin Ashton
• Michael Atkinson (inspector general)
• Andrea Bottner
• Adam L. Braverman
• Lisa Schultz Bressman
• Kevin Chambers
• Blair Coan
• Christopher Coates
• Ezra Cohen
• Ruth Colker
• Barbara Comstock
• Mark Corallo
• Joseph Robinson Darling
• Rajesh De
• Steven Dillingham
• Domestic Terrorism Counsel
• Mark Everson
• Mark Ferrandino
• Glenn Fine
• Christopher Fonzone
• Helen Gandy
• Richard Gilbert (professor)
• Charles Gittens
• Maggie Goodlander
• Monica Goodling
• Guy L. Goodwin
• Helaine Greenfeld
• Gary Hart
• Kate Heinzelman
• Tracy A. Henke
• Rosie Hidalgo
• Brian Hook
• Michael E. Horowitz
• Todd M. Hughes
• Frank W. Hunger
• Inspector General report on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation
• Rachel Jacobson
• Jack Keeney
• Allan Kornblum
• Patrick Langan
• Marty Lederman
• Justin Levitt
• Steven Paul Logan
• John Lott
• James Stewart Martin (author)
• Sharon McGowan
• Thomas E. McNamara
• Doris Meissner
• Matthew Miller (spokesperson)
• Chad Mizelle
• Powell A. Moore
• Anthony C. Moscato
• Alan C. Nelson
• Jeremiah O'Sullivan (lawyer)
• Annie Petsonk
• Richard Pilger
• Glen Pommerening
• Edward D. Re
• Steven Reich
• Gary M. Restaino
• Charles Henry Robb
• Nancy Rodriguez (criminologist)
• Brian Roehrkasse
• Susan Porter Rose
• Paul M. Rosen
• Michael Rubio
• James Rybicki
• Joseph F. Salgado
• Robert Sander
• Ben Sasse
• Norbert A. Schlei
• Vijay Shanker
• Carl Shapiro
• Gerald Shur
• Jess Smith
• W. Marvin Smith
• Phillip Talbert
• Tovah R. Calderon
• Carlos Uriarte
• William Welch II
• Diane R. Williams
• Michael L. Williams
• John C. Yoder
• Juan Zarate
Stephanie M. Hinds
Director, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA)
Executive Office of the United States Trustee (EOUST)
Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM)
Office of the Chief Information Officer
In May 2014, the department appointed Joseph Klimavicz as CIO.[36] Klimavicz succeeds Kevin Deeley, who served as acting CIO since November 2013 when the previous office holder, Luke McCormack, left to take the CIO post at the Department of Homeland Security.[36]
Office of Dispute Resolution
Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT)
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Office of Immigration Litigation
Office of Information Policy
Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR)
Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking Office (SMART)
Office of the Police Corps and Law Enforcement Education
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
Office of Legal Policy (OLP)
Office of Legislative Affairs
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties (OPCL)
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
Office of Public Affairs
Office on Sexual Violence and Crimes against Children
Office of Tribal Justice
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO)
United States Attorneys Offices
United States Trustees Offices
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Community Relations Service (CRS)
Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco
Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta
Solicitor General Brian H. Fletcher, Acting
Assistant Attorneys General for Divisions
Antitrust Richard A. Powers, Acting
Civil Brian Boynton, Acting
Civil Rights Kristen Clarke
Criminal Kenneth A. Polite, Jr.
Environment and Natural Resources Todd S. Kim
Justice Management—Administration Lee J. Lofthus
National Security (vacancy)
Tax David A. Hubbert, Acting
Assistant Attorneys General for Offices
Legal Counsel Dawn E. Johnsen, Acting
Legal Policy Kevin Jones, Acting
Legislative Affairs (vacancy)
Directors of Components
Community Relations Service Gerri L. Ratliff, Acting
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Adam W. Cohen
Directors of Executive Offices
U.S. Attorneys Monty Wilkinson
U.S. Trustee Program Clifford J. White III
Directors of Offices
Information Policy Bobak Talebian
Pardon Attorney Rosalind Sargent-Burns, Acting
Professional Responsibility Jeffrey R. Ragsdale
Professional Responsibility Advisory Stacy Ludwig
Public Affairs Anthony Coley
Tribal Justice Tracy Toulou
Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz
Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Raymond L. Acosta
Dwight E. Adams
Terry J. Albury
Scott Alden
Gary Aldrich
James E. Amos
Raleigh DeGeer Amyx
Donald B. Anderson
Charles A. Appel
Horace Ashenfelter
Edwin Atherton
Frederick Ayer Jr.
Maureen Baginski
Alfred C. Baldwin III
Guy Banister
Peter J. Barnes Jr.
Frank Barnett
Gerald R. Beaman
Robert H. Beaudreau
James F. Bell (judge)
Ed Bethune
John Vaughn Blake
Harry "Skip" Brandon
Jacob Aldolphus Bryce
John Bugas
Omar Burleson
Jack M. Campbell
Josh Campbell (journalist)
John P. Carlin
Joseph Carroll (DIA)
Warren H. Carroll
William Fields Carter
Frank G. Clement
Tim Clemente
Russell Coleman
Myron Donovan Crocker
D.M. Ladd
George E. Danielson
Ralph Hunter Daughton
Alaska P. Davidson
Donald E. deKieffer
Joe Del Campo
Thomas E. Delahanty
Candice DeLong
Joseph M. Demarest
Wes DeMott
Frank E. Denholm
Robert E. DeNier
Roger Depue
Matthew DeSarno
Lindley DeVecchio
Samuel L. Devine
Alvin Dewey
Franklin Dodge
Thomas G. Donlon
Vincent Dougherty
John E. Douglas
Ed Edmondson (politician)
Don Edwards
Monk Edwards
Charley Ewart
Joseph S. Farland
Bassem Youssef (FBI agent)
Frank Figliuzzi
José Figueroa Sancha
Ed FitzGerald
James R. Fitzgerald
Brian Fitzpatrick (American politician)
William J. Flynn (athletic director)
Luis S. Fraticelli
Louis Freeh
Jim Fridley
Robert Fuller (FBI agent)
Robert J. Gaffney
Joaquín "Jack" García
Ruben Garcia Jr. (FBI agent)
Michael German
James Giermanski
Robert G. Gillespie
John F. Good
The Gordons (writers)
J. Harold Grady
Wesley Grapp
C. Jackson Grayson
Michael Grimm (politician)
John Guandolo
Ted Gunderson
Austin Gunsel
I. B. Hale
Art Hanes
William King Harvey
Roy Hazelwood
Glenn Hearn
Lawrence Hogan
Lon Horiuchi
James P. Hosty
Fred G. Hughes (newspaper publisher)
Willis B. Hunt Jr.
David Icove
Jacob Spolansky
Naveed Jamali
Jeff Jamar
Alexander Jamie
Jeffrey Jensen
James Wormley Jones
BJ Kang
Frank Keating
Fred C. Kelly
Kevin Hogg
Stephen B. King
John Joseph Kitchen
Thomas Kneir
Allan Kornblum
Dan Kraus
Darren LaBonte
Robert J. Lamphere
Angelo Lano
Don Lash
Leo L. Laughlin
John C. Lawn
Adam S. Lee
McDowell Lee
Roy Noble Lee
Robert Levinson
Aubrey Lewis (athlete)
Joseph Patrick Lieb
James J. Lorimer
William Lucas (Michigan politician)
M.K. Palmore
Edith Alice Macia
Robert Maheu
Wiley Mayne
Richard McArthur
Charles D. McAtee
Abner Vernon McCall
John McClurg
Gregg McCrary
Thomas M. McDade
Edmund McNamara
Edwin L. Mechem
James J. Metcalfe
Edmundo Mireles Jr.
Joanne Pierce Misko
Ken Moore (American football)
Roy K. Moore
Mark A. Morgan
John Morris (FBI)
Leland Clure Morton
John L. Mowry
Patrick Mullany
Francis M. Mullen
Brian Murphy (intelligence official)
Lynn Nance
Joe Navarro
Thomas R. Norris
Charles Nuzum
Davey O'Brien
Eric O'Neill
Mike Oxley
Lou Papan
Edwin Charles Parsons
Wilbur Frank Pell Jr.
Héctor Pesquera
George Piro
Joseph D. Pistone
Thomas Virgil Pittman
John Proctor (FBI agent)
Nada Nadim Prouty
Melvin Purvis
Francis E. Quinlan
Asha Rangappa
Ty Rauber
Robert Ressler
Eli J. Richardson
Bob Ricks
Edgar Robb
William F. Roemer Jr.
Mike Rogers (Michigan politician)
Mark Rossini
Coleen Rowley
Eldon Rudd
Harold L. Runnels
Daniel J. Russell
Louis J. Russell
Joseph Russoniello
Jack Ryan (FBI agent)
Jim Sacia
Donald Sanders
Terry Sanford
Robert Scherrer
Winston M. Scott
William G. Sebold
James Gordon Shanklin
Earl Shannon
Joseph Shea (FBI agent)
Joe Sheeketski
Walter Sheridan
W. Cleon Skousen
H. Allen Smith (politician)
Homicide, Multiple Counts of Kidnapping, 35 M Scam...
FBI Federal Bureau Of Investigations
Christopher Wray, August 2, 2017 - Present
Christopher Wray, August 2, 2017 - Present
Christopher Wray was sworn in as the Director of the FBI on August 2, 2017.
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Andrew McCabe (Acting), May 9, 2017 - August 2, 2017
Andrew McCabe (Acting), May 9, 2017 - August 2, 2017
Andrew McCabe was named Acting Director of the FBI on May 9, 2017.
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James B. Comey, September 4, 2013 - May 9, 2017
James B. Comey, September 4, 2013 - May 9, 2017
James B. Comey was sworn in as the Director of the FBI on September 4, 2013.
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Robert S. Mueller, III, September 4, 2001- September 4, 2013
Robert S. Mueller, III, September 4, 2001- September 4, 2013
Robert Mueller headed the FBI for exactly 12 years, the second longest in history, following legislation in 2011 that extended his tenure by two years.
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Thomas J. Pickard (Acting), June 25, 2001 - September 4, 2001
Thomas J. Pickard (Acting), June 25, 2001 - September 4, 2001
On June 25, 2001, Mr. Pickard was appointed Acting Director of the FBI by Attorney General John Ashcroft.
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Louis J. Freeh,A September 1, 1993 - June 25, 2001
Louis J. Freeh, September 1, 1993 - June 25, 2001
Louis Freeh was confirmed by the Senate on August 6, 1993 and was sworn in as Director on September 1, 1993.
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Floyd I. Clarke (Acting), July 19, 1993 - September 1, 1993
Floyd I. Clarke (Acting), July 19, 1993 - September 1, 1993
On July 19, 1993, Floyd I. Clarke assumed the duties of Acting Director of the FBI. He served in this capacity until September 1, 1993.
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William S. Sessions, November 2, 1987 - July 19, 1993
William S. Sessions, November 2, 1987 - July 19, 1993
On November 1, 1987, Judge Sessions resigned his position as United States District Judge to become Director of the FBI and was sworn in on November 2, 1987.
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John E. Otto (Acting), May 26, 1987 - November 2, 1987
John E. Otto (Acting), May 26, 1987 - November 2, 1987
John E. Otto served as Acting Director of the FBI between May and November 1987.
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William H. Webster, February 23, 1978 - May 25, 1987
William H. Webster, February 23, 1978 - May 25, 1987
William Webster resigned as judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit on February 23, 1978 to become Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
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James B. Adams (Acting), February 15, 1978 a February 23, 1978
James B. Adams (Acting), February 15, 1978 – February 23, 1978
James Blackburn Adams was appointed acting director of the FBI, serving February 15, 1978 until February 23, 1978.
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Clarence M. Kelley, July 9, 1973 - February 15, 1978
Clarence M. Kelley, July 9, 1973 - February 15, 1978
Mr. Kelley was sworn in as Director of the FBI in Kansas City, Missouri on July 9, 1973.
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William D. Ruckelshaus (Acting), April 30, 1973 - July 9, 1973
William D. Ruckelshaus (Acting), April 30, 1973 - July 9, 1973
William Doyle Ruckelshaus served as Acting Director of the FBI between April 1973 and July 1973.
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L. Patrick Gray (Acting), May 3, 1972 - April 27, 1973
L. Patrick Gray (Acting), May 3, 1972 - April 27, 1973
Louis Patrick Gray, III served as Acting Director from May 3, 1972 to April 27, 1973.
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J. Edgar Hoover, May 10, 1924 - May 2, 1972
J. Edgar Hoover, May 10, 1924 - May 2, 1972
J. Edgar Hoover led the FBI for nearly a half-century, from 1924 until 1972. Under Director Hoover, the Bureau grew in responsibility and importance, becoming an integral part of the national government and an icon in American popular culture.
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William J. Burns, August 22, 1921 - June 14, 1924
William J. Burns, August 22, 1921 - June 14, 1924
Well qualified to direct the Bureau and friends with Warren Harding’s Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty, Burns was appointed Director of the Bureau of Investigation on August 22, 1921.
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William J. Flynn, July 1, 1919 - August 21, 1921
William J. Flynn, July 1, 1919 - August 21, 1921
The former chief of the U.S. Secret Service, Mr. Flynn was named Director of the Bureau of Investigation in 1919.
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William E. Allen (Acting), February 10, 1919 - June 30, 1919
William E. Allen (Acting), February 10, 1919 - June 30, 1919
In February 1919, William E. Allen of Texas began serving as Acting Director. Before his appointment, Mr. Allen served as assistant in War Matters to the chief of the Bureau of Investigation.
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Alexander B. Bielaski, April 30, 1912 - February 10, 1919
Alexander B. Bielaski, April 30, 1912 - February 10, 1919
At the end of April 1912, Attorney General Wickersham appointed Mr. Bielaski to replace Mr. Finch. As chief, Mr. Bielaski oversaw a steady increase in the resources and responsibilities assigned to the Bureau.
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Stanley W. Finch, July 26, 1908 - April 30, 1912
Stanley W. Finch, July 26, 1908 - April 30, 1912
As chief examiner, Mr. Finch advocated the creation of an investigative squad within the Justice Department, eventually becoming its first leader.
Photo of Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht
Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht
Place 1
Nathan L. Hecht is the 27th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. He has been elected to the Court seven times, first in 1988 as a Justice and then in 2014 and 2020 as Chief Justice. He is the longest-serving member of the Court in Texas history and the longest-tenured Texas judge in active service. Throughout his service on... Read more
Photo of Justice Debra Lehrmann
Justice Debra Lehrmann
Place 3
Justice Debra Lehrmann is the Senior Justice on the Supreme Court of Texas and the Court’s longest-serving woman Justice in Texas history. With a total of almost 35 years of judicial experience, she was a trial judge in Tarrant County for 23 years prior to her appellate service and has served the Bar in leadership capacities on both a state... Read more
Photo of Justice Jeff Boyd
Justice Jeff Boyd
Place 7
Jeff Boyd joined the Court on December 3, 2012, appointed by Governor Rick Perry to fill Justice Dale Wainwright's unexpired term. Wainwright resigned September 30th. Justice Boyd was the governor's chief of staff since September 2011. Before that he was Gov. Perry's general counsel. Boyd is a graduate of Abilene Christian University and earned his law degree summa cum laude from... Read more
Photo of Justice John Phillip Devine
Justice John Phillip Devine
Place 4
Justice John Devine was first elected to the Supreme Court of Texas in November 2012. He previously served for seven years as judge of the 190th State District Court in Harris County and for nine years as an appointed special judge for the Harris County justice of the peace courts. A native of Indiana, Justice Devine attended Ball State University, graduating... Read more
Photo of Justice Jimmy Blacklock
Justice Jimmy Blacklock
Place 2
Justice Jimmy Blacklock was appointed to the Texas Supreme Court in January 2018 by Governor Greg Abbott. Before that, Justice Blacklock served as Governor Abbott’s General Counsel and in the Attorney General’s Office under then-AG Abbott. While at the AG’s Office, he handled appeals and trials of constitutional cases in state and federal court involving matters such as federalism, religious liberty,... Read more
Photo of Justice Brett Busby
Justice Brett Busby
Place 8
Brett Busby was appointed to the Court by Governor Greg Abbott in February 2019, confirmed unanimously by the Texas Senate, and elected to a full term in November 2020. An experienced appellate litigator, Justice Busby was a partner at the Bracewell firm in Houston and served on the Fourteenth Court of Appeals for six years before joining the Supreme Court. Justice... Read more
Photo of Justice Jane Bland
Justice Jane Bland
Place 6
Jane Bland has served in the state judiciary for 25 years and on the Supreme Court of Texas since 2019. Before her service on the Court, she served 15 years as a justice on the First Court of Appeals and six years as a State District Judge. Justice Bland chairs the Judicial Commission on Mental Health. She is also the Court’s... Read more
Photo of Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle
Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle
Place 5
Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle was appointed to the Supreme Court of Texas by Governor Greg Abbott in October 2020 and elected to a full term in 2022. She is a native of El Paso, where she grew up and attended Stephen F. Austin High School. Justice Huddle earned her undergraduate degree in political science at Stanford University and taught Spanish... Read more
Photo of Justice Evan A. Young
Justice Evan A. Young
Place 9
Justice Evan A. Young was appointed to the Supreme Court of Texas in November 2021 by Governor Greg Abbott. Justice Young subsequently was elected in November 2022 to a term that expires December 31, 2028. Justice Young clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and served as Counsel to the Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice, during which...
District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
1 Jasper Craig M. Mixson
San Augustine
Jasper (409) 384-9570
1A Delinda L. Gibbs-Walker Jasper
Ty ler
Jasper (409) 384-9570
2 R. Chris Day Cherokee
Rusk (903) 683-2236
3 Mark A. Calhoon Anderson
Palestine (903) 723-7410
4 J. Clay Gossett Rusk
Henderson (903) 657-0358
5 William (Bill) W. Miller, Jr. Bowie
Cass New Boston (903) 628-6783
6 Ronald Wesley Tidwell Lamar
Red River Paris (903) 737-2432
7 Kerry L. Russell Smith
Ty ler (903) 590-1643
8 Eddie Northcutt Delta
Sulphur Springs (903) 438-4022
9 Phil A. Grant Montgomery
Conroe (936) 539-7866
10 Kerry Lane Neves Galveston
Galveston (409) 766-2230
11 Kristen Brauchle Hawkins Harris
Houston (832) 927-2600
12 David W. Moorman Grimes
Huntsville (936) 436-4915
13 James E. Lagomarsino Navarro
Corsicana (903) 654-3020
14 Eric V. Moy e Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6000
15 Jim Patrick Fallon Gray son
Sherman (903) 813-4303
16 Sherry L. Shipman Denton
Denton (940) 349-2310
17 Melody Wilkinson Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-1460
18 Sy dney B. Hewlett Johnson
Somervell Cleburne (817) 556-6820
19 Thomas C. West McLennan
Waco (254) 757-5081
20 John W. Youngblood Milam
Cameron (254) 697-7010
21 Carson T. Campbell Bastrop
Brenham (979) 277-6200
22 R. Bruce Boy er Caldwell
San Marcos (512) 393-7700
23 Ben Hardin Matagorda
Wharton Wharton (979) 549-8625
24 Jack W. Marr Calhoun
Victoria (361) 575-3172
25 William D. Old III Colorado
Seguin (830) 303-8852
2nd 25 Jessica R. Crawford Colorado
Seguin (830) 303-9705
26 Donna Gay le King Williamson
Georgetown (512) 943-1226
27 John T. Gauntt Bell
Lampasas Belton (254) 933-5261
28 Nanette Hasette Nueces
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0506
29 Michael Moore Palo Pinto
Palo Pinto (940) 659-1274
5/2/2023 Page 1 of 16
District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
30 Wichita Jeff E. McKnight
Wichita Falls (940) 766-8180
31 Gray Steven R. Emmert
Wheeler (806) 826-5501
32 Fisher Glen Harrison
Sweetwater (325) 235-3133
33 Blanco J. Allan Garrett
San Saba
Burnet (512) 756-5436
34 El Paso William E. Moody
El Paso (915) 546-2101
35 Brown Mike L. Smith
Mills Brownwood (325) 646-1987
36 Aransas Starr Boldrick Bauer
Live Oak
San Patricio
Sinton (361) 364-9310
37 Bexar Nicole H. Garza
San Antonio (210) 335-2515
38 Real Camile G. DuBose
Uvalde Uvalde (830) 278-3913
39 Haskell Shane Hadaway
Haskell (940) 864-2661
40 Ellis Robert (Bob) J. Carroll
Waxahachie (972) 825-5060
41 El Paso Annabell Perez
El Paso (915) 546-2149
42 Callahan James Eidson
Tay lor
Abilene (325) 674-1314
43 Parker Craig Towson
Weatherford (817) 594-7343
44 Dallas Veretta Ly nn Frazier
Dallas (214) 653-6996
45 Bexar Mary Lou Alvarez
San Antonio (210) 335-2507
46 Foard Cornell (Cory ) Douglas Curtis
Vernon (940) 552-7051
47 Armstrong Delinda (Dee) Rene Johnson
Cany on (806) 468-5677
48 Tarrant Christopher L. Tay lor
Fort Worth (817) 884-2690
49 Webb Jose A. Lopez
Zapata Laredo (956) 523-4234
50 Bay lor Jennifer Ann Habert
Sey mour (940) 889-6912
51 Coke Carmen Sy mes Dusek
Tom Green
San Angelo (325) 657-8011
52 Cory ell Trent D. Farrell
Gatesville (254) 865-5911
53 Travis Maria Cantu Hexsel
Austin (512) 854-9308
54 McLennan Susan N. Kelly
Waco (254) 757-5051
55 Harris Latosha Lewis Pay ne
Houston (832) 927-2650
56 Galveston Lonnie Cox
Galveston (409) 766-2226
57 Bexar Antonia Arteaga
San Antonio (210) 335-2531
58 Jefferson W. Kent Walston
Beaumont (409) 835-8434
59 Gray son Lawrence (Larry ) A. Phillips
Sherman (903) 813-4305
5/2/2023 Page 2 of 16
District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
60 Justin Gary Sanderson Jefferson
Beaumont (409) 835-8472
61 Fredericka Phillips Harris
Houston (832) 927-2625
62 John (W Delta ill) W. Biard
Paris (903) 737-2433
63 Roland Andrade Kinney
Val Verde
Del Rio (830) 774-7523
64 Danah L. Zirpoli Castro
Plainview (806) 291-5234
65 Yahara Lisa Gutierrez El Paso
El Paso (915) 546-2102
66 Lee Harris Hill
Hillsboro (254) 582-4045
67 Donald J. Cosby Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-1452
68 Martin J. Hoffman Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6510
69 Kimberly L. Allen Dallam
Dumas (806) 935-2700
70 W. Denn Whalen Ector
Odessa (432) 498-4270
71 Brad Morin Harrison
Marshall (903) 935-8407
72 John Charles Grace Crosby
Lubbock Lubbock (806) 775-1041
73 David A. Canales Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2523
74 Gary R. Coley , Jr. McLennan
Waco (254) 757-5075
75 Mark A. Morefield Liberty
Liberty (936) 336-4678
76 Angela H. Saucier Camp
Mount Pleasant (903) 577-6736
77 Patrick (Pat) Simmons Freestone
Limestone Groesbeck (254) 729-5705
78 Meredith Kennedy Wichita
Wichita Falls (940) 766-8182
79 Richard Clark Terrell Brooks
Jim Wells Alice (361) 668-5718
80 Jeraly nn Christen Manor Harris
Houston (832) 927-2680
81 Jennifer Margaret Dilli Atascosa ngham
La Salle
Jourdanton (830) 769-3750
82 Bry an (Rusty ) F. Russ, Jr. Falls
Robertson Marlin (254) 883-1421
83 Robert E. Cadena Pecos
Val Verde
Del Rio (830) 774-7654
84 Curtis W. Brancheau Hansford
Stinnett (806) 878-4022
85 Ky le Hawthorne Brazos
Bry an (979) 361-4270
86 Casey L. Blair Kaufman
Kaufman (469) 376-4670
87 Amy Thomas Ward Anderson
Palestine (903) 723-7415
88 Earl B. Stover III Hardin
Ty ler Woodville (409) 283-5334
89 Charles M. Barnard Wichita
Wichita Falls (940) 766-8184
90 Stephen E. Bristow Stephens
Young Graham (254) 559-3151
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
91 Steven R. Herod Eastland
Eastland (254) 629-1797
92 Luis M. Singleterry Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 318-2250
93 Fernando G. Mancias Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 318-2255
94 Bobby M. Galvan Nueces
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0320
95 Monica McCoy Purdy Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6361
96 Pat Gallagher Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-2685
97 Jack Arnold McGaughey Archer
Montague (940) 894-2066
98 Rhonda Hurley Travis
Austin (512) 854-9307
99 Phillip Hay s Lubbock
Lubbock (806) 775-1038
100 Stuart M. Messer Carson
Clarendon (806) 874-0122
101 Staci J. Williams Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6937
102 Jeff M. Addison Bowie
Red River New Boston (903) 628-6835
103 Janet L. Leal Cameron
Brownsville (956) 544-0844
104 Jeff Propst Tay lor
Abilene (325) 674-1313
105 Jack William Pulcher Kenedy
Kingsville (361) 595-8533
106 Reed A. Filley Dawson
Ly nn
Lamesa (806) 872-3740
107 Benjamin Euresti, Jr. Cameron
Brownsville (956) 544-0845
108 Douglas Woodburn Potter
Amarillo (806) 379-2355
109 John L. Pool Andrews
Andrews (432) 524-1419
110 William (Bill) P. Smith Briscoe
Floy d
Floy dada (806) 983-3384
111 Monica Zapata Notzon Webb
Laredo (956) 523-4230
112 Pedro (Pete) Gomez, Jr. Crockett
Ozona (325) 392-5225
113 Rabeea Sultan Co Harris llier
Houston (832) 927-2575
114 Austin Reeve Jackson Smith
Ty ler (903) 590-1625
115 Jerald (Dean) Fowler II Marion
Upshur Gilmer (903) 843-2836
116 Tony a Parker Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6015
117 Susan Elizabeth Barclay Nueces
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0436
118 R. Shane Seaton Glasscock
Big Spring (432) 264-2225
119 Garland (Ben) Woodward Concho
Tom Green
San Angelo (325) 659-6570
120 Maria A. Salas-Mendoza El Paso
El Paso (915) 546-2103
121 John (Trey ) A. Didway Terry
Yoakum Brownfield (806) 637-7742
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
122 Louis (Jeth) Jether Jones II Galveston
Galveston (409) 766-2275
123 LeAnn Kay Rafferty Panola
Shelby Carthage (903) 693-0315
124 Frederick Alfonso Charles Gregg
Longview (903) 236-1765
125 Ky le Carter Harris
Houston (832) 927-2550
126 Aurora Martinez Jones Travis
Austin (512) 854-5965
127 Ravi K. Sandill Harris
Houston (832) 927-2525
128 Courtney B. Arkeen Orange
Orange (409) 882-7085
129 Michael Gomez Harris
Houston (832) 927-2500
130 Denise M. Fortenberry Matagorda
Bay City (979) 244-7635
131 Norma Gonzales Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2521
132 Dana W. Cooley Borden
Scurry Sny der (325) 573-5371
133 Jaclanel Moore McFarland Harris
Houston (832) 927-2480
134 Dale Bry an Tillery Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-7546
135 Kemper Stephen Williams Calhoun
Victoria (361) 575-2412
136 Bay lor G. Wortham Jefferson
Beaumont (409) 835-8481
137 John (Trey ) J. McClendon Lubbock
Lubbock (806) 775-1035
138 Gabriela Garcia Cameron
Brownsville (956) 544-0877
139 Jose (Bobby ) Roberto Flores Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 318-2260
140 Douglas H. Freitag Lubbock
Lubbock (806) 775-1032
141 John Parrish Chupp Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-1992
142 David Glenn Rogers Midland
Midland (432) 688-4375
143 John (Mike) M. Swanson Loving
Monahans (432) 943-2749
144 Michael Edward Mery Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2511
145 Jefferson B. Davis Nacogdoches
Nacogdoches (936) 560-7799
146 Jack Weldon Jones Bell
Belton (254) 933-6737
147 Clifford A. Brown Travis
Austin (512) 854-9311
148 David Klein Nueces
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0333
149 Jessica Pulcher Brazoria
Angleton (979) 864-1261
150 Monique Giselle Diaz Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2533
151 Mike Engelhart Harris
Houston (832) 927-2455
152 Robert Schaffer Harris
Houston (832) 927-2425
153 Susan Hey good McCoy Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-2691
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
154 Lamb Scott A. Say
Littlefield (806) 485-9151
155 Austin Jeff Steinhauser
Fay ette La Grange (979) 968-8500
156 Aransas Patrick L. Flanigan
Live Oak
San Patricio
Sinton (361) 364-9310
157 Harris Tany a Garrison
Houston (832) 927-2400
158 Denton Steve Burgess
Denton (940) 349-2320
159 Angelina Todd Lee Kassaw
Lufkin (936) 639-3913
160 Dallas Aiesha Redmond
Dallas (214) 653-7273
161 Ector Justin Way ne Low
Odessa (432) 498-4260
162 Dallas Ashley Elizabeth Wy socki
Dallas (214) 653-7348
163 Orange Rex Peveto
Orange (409) 882-7090
164 Harris C. Elliot Thornton
Houston (832) 927-2380
165 Harris Ursula A. Hall
Houston (832) 927-2365
166 Bexar Laura Salinas
San Antonio (210) 335-2501
167 Travis Dayna L. Blazey
Austin (512) 854-9310
168 El Paso Marcos A. Lizarraga
El Paso (915) 546-2141
169 Bell Cari Starritt-Burnett
Belton (254) 933-5265
170 McLennan Jim Mey er
Waco (254) 757-5045
171 El Paso Bonnie Rangel
El Paso (915) 546-2100
172 Jefferson Mitchell Way ne Templeton
Beaumont (409) 835-8485
173 Henderson Dan Moore
Athens (903) 675-6107
174 Harris Hazel B. Jones
Houston (832) 927-4200
175 Bexar Catherine Torres-Stahl
San Antonio (210) 335-2527
176 Harris Nikita V. Harmon
Houston (832) 927-4225
177 Harris Robert Johnson, Jr.
Houston (832) 927-4250
178 Harris Kelli D. Johnson
Houston (832) 927-4275
179 Harris Ana Martinez
Houston (832) 927-4100
180 Harris DaSean Jones
Houston (832) 927-4125
181 Potter Titiana D. Frausto
Randall Amarillo (806) 379-2360
182 Harris Danilo (Danny ) Lacay o
Houston (832) 927-4150
183 Harris Kristin M. Guiney
Houston (832) 927-4175
184 Harris Katherine N. Thomas
Houston (832) 927-3900
185 Harris Andrea Beall
Houston (832) 927-3925
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
186 Bexar Kristina Escalona
San Antonio (210) 335-2505
187 Bexar Stephanie R. Boy d
San Antonio (210) 335-2517
188 Gregg John Scott Novy
Longview (903) 237-2588
189 Harris Tamika Craft
Houston (832) 927-2325
190 Harris Beau A. Miller
Houston (832) 927-2300
191 Dallas Gena N. Slaughter
Dallas (214) 653-6609
192 Dallas Maria F. Aceves
Dallas (214) 653-7709
193 Dallas Bridgett Nichol Whitmore
Dallas (214) 653-6998
194 Dallas Ernest B. White III
Dallas (214) 653-5800
195 Dallas Hector Garza
Dallas (214) 653-5812
196 Hunt J. Andrew Bench
Greenville (903) 408-4190
197 Cameron Adolfo E. Cordova, Jr.
Willacy Brownsville (956) 574-8150
198 Bandera Michael (Pat) Patrick Maguire
Kerr Kerrville (830) 792-2290
199 Collin Angela Michelle Tucker
McKinney (972) 548-4415
200 Travis Jessica L. Mangrum
Austin (512) 854-9306
201 Travis Amy Clark Meachum
Austin (512) 854-9305
202 Bowie John Tidwell
New Boston (903) 628-6771
203 Dallas Raquel (Rocky ) Charise Jones
Dallas (214) 653-5820
204 Dallas Tammy Kemp
Dallas (214) 653-5832
205 Culberson Francisco X. Dominguez
El Paso
El Paso (915) 546-2107
206 Hidalgo Rose Guerra Rey na
Edinburg (956) 318-2265
207 Caldwell Tracie Wright Reneau
New Braunfels (830) 221-1270
208 Harris Beverly D. Armstrong
Houston (832) 927-3925
209 Harris Brian E. Warren
Houston (832) 927-3975
210 El Paso Aly ssa G. Perez
El Paso (915) 546-2130
211 Denton Brody Shanklin
Denton (940) 349-2330
212 Galveston Patricia V. Grady
Galveston (409) 766-2266
213 Tarrant Christopher (Chris) R. Wolfe
Fort Worth (817) 884-1529
214 Nueces Inna S. Rogoff-Klein
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0463
215 Harris Elaine H. Palmer
Houston (832) 927-2215
216 Gillespie Albert D. Pattillo III
Kerr Kerrville (830) 792-2290
217 Angelina Robert Kenneth Inselmann, Jr.
Lufkin (936) 637-0217
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
218 Atascosa Russell Wilson
La Salle
Jourdanton (830) 769-3750
219 Collin Jennifer Duncan Edgeworth
McKinney (972) 548-4662
220 Bosque Shaun Carpenter
Meridian (254) 435-6626
221 Montgomery Lisa Ann Michalk
Conroe (936) 539-7808
222 Deaf Smith Roland Saul
Oldham Hereford (806) 364-7222
223 Gray Philip N. Vanderpool
Pampa (806) 669-8014
224 Bexar Marisa Flores
San Antonio (210) 335-2132
225 Bexar Christine Vasquez Hortick
San Antonio (210) 335-2233
226 Bexar Velia J. Meza
San Antonio (210) 335-2446
227 Bexar Christine Del Prado
San Antonio (210) 335-2304
228 Harris Frank Aguilar
Houston (832) 927-3800
229 Duval Baldemar Garza
Jim Hogg
Rio Grande City (956) 716-4800
230 Harris Chris Morton
Houston (832) 927-3825
231 Tarrant Jesus E. Nevarez, Jr.
Fort Worth (817) 884-3796
232 Harris Josh Hill
Houston (832) 927-3850
233 Tarrant Kenneth E. Newell
Fort Worth (817) 884-1794
234 Harris Lauren R. Reeder
Houston (832) 927-2234
235 Cooke Janelle M. Haverkamp
Gainesville (940) 668-5401
236 Tarrant Thomas Wilson Lowe III
Fort Worth (817) 884-1709
237 Lubbock Leslie (Les) F. Hatch
Lubbock (806) 775-1027
238 Midland Elizabeth By er Leonard
Midland (432) 688-4380
239 Brazoria Greg Hill
Angleton (979) 864-1256
240 Fort Bend Surendran K. Pattel
Richmond (281) 341-8600
241 Smith Debra (Debby ) Gunter
Ty ler (903) 590-1634
242 Castro Lowell Kregg Hukill
Plainview (806) 291-5254
243 El Paso Selena Norah Solis
El Paso (915) 546-2168
244 Ector Lori Ruiz-Crutcher
Odessa (432) 498-4240
245 Harris Angela M. Lancelin
Houston (713) 274-1245
246 Harris Angela L. Graves-Harrington
Houston (713) 274-4500
247 Harris Janice Berg
Houston (713) 274-1247
248 Harris Hilary D. Unger
Houston (832) 927-3875
249 Johnson Tiffany Suzanne Strother
Somervell Cleburne (817) 556-6825
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
250 Travis Karin Crump
Austin (512) 854-9312
251 Potter Ana E. Estevez
Randall Amarillo (806) 379-2365
252 Jefferson Jay ne Raquel West
Beaumont (409) 835-8597
253 Chambers Chap B. Cain III
Liberty Liberty (936) 336-4668
254 Dallas Kimberly Young Brown
Dallas (214) 653-6741
255 Dallas Vonda Bailey
Dallas (214) 653-6159
256 Dallas Sandre Streete
Dallas (214) 653-6449
257 Harris Sandra J. Peake
Houston (713) 274-4560
258 Polk Travis E. Kitchens, Jr.
San Jacinto
Livingston (936) 327-6847
259 Jones Brooks H. Hagler
Shackelford Anson (325) 823-2721
260 Orange Steve L. Parkhurst
Orange (409) 882-7095
261 Travis Daniella Deseta Ly ttle
Austin (512) 854-9309
262 Harris Lori Chambers Gray
Houston (832) 927-3700
263 Harris Melissa M. Morris
Houston (832) 927-3725
264 Bell Paul L. LePak
Belton (254) 933-5245
265 Dallas Jennifer L. Bennett
Dallas (214) 653-5840
266 Erath Jason Cameron Cashon
Stephenville (254) 965-1485
267 Calhoun Julie C. Bauknight
Victoria (361) 578-1998
268 Fort Bend Stephen (Steve) Clark Rogers
Richmond (281) 341-8610
269 Harris Cory Don Sepolio
Houston (832) 927-2269
270 Harris Dedra Davis
Houston (832) 927-2270
271 Jack Brock Russell Smith
Wise Decatur (940) 627-3200
272 Brazos John Brick
Bry an (979) 361-4220
273 Sabine James (Jim) A. Pay ne, Jr.
San Augustine
San Augustine (936) 275-9634
274 Comal Gary L. Steel
Seguin (830) 303-8852
275 Hidalgo Marla Cuellar
Edinburg (956) 318-2270
276 Camp Michael Kopech
Mount Pleasant (903) 645-2321
277 Williamson Stacey L. Mathews
Georgetown (512) 943-1277
278 Leon Hal R. Ridley
Huntsville (936) 436-4916
279 Jefferson Jeffery (Randy ) Shelton
Beaumont (409) 835-8655
280 Harris Damiane Dianne Curvey
Houston (713) 274-4680
281 Harris Christine Weems
Houston (832) 927-2130
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
282 Amber Givens-Davis Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-5850
283 Lela Lawrence May s Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-5860
284 Kristin L. Bay s Montgomery
Conroe (936) 539-7861
285 Nadine Melissa Nieto Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2086
286 Jay Michael (Pat) Phelan Cochran
Hockley Levelland (806) 894-8240
287 Kathry n Horton Gurley Bailey
Parmer Muleshoe (806) 272-5460
288 Cy nthia Marie Chapa Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2663
289 Rose Sosa Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-1185
290 Jennifer Pena Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2696
291 Stephanie N. Mitchell Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-5872
292 Brandon Birmingham Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-5880
293 Maribel Flores Dimmit
Eagle Pass (830) 758-1730
294 Chris Martin Van Zandt
Canton (903) 567-4422
295 Donna Roth Harris
Houston (832) 927-1375
296 John R. Roach, Jr. Collin
McKinney (972) 548-4409
297 David C. Hagerman Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-1256
298 Emily G. Tobolowsky Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6781
299 Karen Sage Travis
Austin (512) 854-9442
300 Chad Dway ne Bradshaw Brazoria
Angleton (979) 864-1227
301 Mary C. Brown Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-7407
302 Sandra Lee Jackson Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-6189
303 Ladeitra Adkins Dallas
Dallas (214) 653-7611
304 Andrea G. Martin Dallas
Dallas (214) 698-4936
305 Chery l Lee Shannon Dallas
Dallas (214) 698-4924
306 Anne B. Darring Galveston
Galveston (409) 766-2255
307 Tim Womack Gregg
Longview (903) 237-2534
308 Gloria E. Lopez Harris
Houston (713) 274-4600
309 Linda Marie Dunson Harris
Houston (713) 274-4520
310 Sony a L. Heath Harris
Houston (713) 274-1310
311 Germaine J. Tanner Harris
Houston (713) 274-4580
312 Teresa J. Waldrop Harris
Houston (713) 274-4540
313 Natalia Cokinos Oakes Harris
Houston (832) 927-8450
314 Michelle Moore Harris
Houston (832) 927-8470
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
315 Harris Leah Shapiro
Houston (832) 927-8480
316 Hutchinson James M. Mosley
Stinnett (806) 878-4019
317 Jefferson Gordon Friesz
Beaumont (409) 835-8588
318 Midland David W. Lindemood
Midland (432) 688-4390
319 Nueces David V. Stith
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0533
320 Potter Steven Michael Denny
Amarillo (806) 379-2370
321 Smith Robert H. Wilson
Ty ler (903) 590-1699
322 Tarrant James Benjamin Munford
Fort Worth (817) 884-1427
323 Tarrant Alexander Han Joong Kim
Fort Worth (817) 838-4600
324 Tarrant Beth Poulos
Fort Worth (817) 884-1432
325 Tarrant Cy nthia Terry
Fort Worth (817) 884-1587
326 Tay lor Paul R. Rotenberry
Abilene (325) 674-1325
327 El Paso Monique Velarde Rey es
El Paso (915) 546-2032
328 Fort Bend Monica Darlene Rawlins
Richmond (281) 341-4406
329 Wharton Randy M. Clapp
Wharton (979) 532-1514
330 Dallas Andrea D. Plumlee
Dallas (214) 653-7207
331 Travis Chantal Melissa Eldridge
Austin (512) 854-9443
332 Hidalgo Mario E. Ramirez, Jr.
Edinburg (956) 318-2275
333 Harris Brittanye Morris
Houston (832) 927-1800
334 Harris Dawn Rogers
Houston (832) 927-1825
335 Bastrop Reva L. Towslee Corbett
Caldwell (979) 567-2362
336 Fannin Laurine Jean Blake
Bonham (903) 583-2863
337 Harris Colleen Gaido
Houston (832) 927-3750
338 Harris Ramona Franklin
Houston (832) 927-3775
339 Harris Te'iva J. Bell
Houston (832) 927-3650
340 Tom Green Jay K. Weatherby
San Angelo (325) 659-8013
341 Webb Rebecca (Beckie) Palomo
Laredo (956) 523-4325
342 Tarrant Kimberly L. Fitzpatrick
Fort Worth (817) 884-2710
343 Aransas Janna K. Whatley
Live Oak
San Patricio
Sinton (361) 364-9310
344 Chambers Randy A. McDonald
Anahuac (409) 267-2429
345 Travis Jan Soifer
Austin (512) 854-9374
346 El Paso Patricia C. Baca
El Paso (915) 546-2119
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
347 Nueces Missy Medary
Corpus Christi (361) 888-0593
348 Tarrant Megan Jo Fahey
Fort Worth (817) 884-2715
349 Anderson Pam Foster Fletcher
Houston Palestine (903) 723-7410
350 Tay lor Thomas Michael Wheeler
Abilene (325) 674-1242
351 Harris Natalia (Nata) Cornelio
Houston (832) 927-3680
352 Tarrant Josh Burgess
Fort Worth (817) 884-2730
353 Travis Madeleine B. Connor
Austin (512) 854-9179
354 Hunt Keli Michelle Aiken
Rains Greenville (903) 408-4194
355 Hood Bry an T. Bufkin
Granbury (817) 579-3233
356 Hardin Steven Ray Thomas
Kountze (409) 246-5155
357 Cameron Juan A. Magallanes
Brownsville (956) 548-9522
358 Ector John F. Shrode
Odessa (432) 498-4250
359 Montgomery Kathleen A. Hamilton
Conroe (936) 539-7900
360 Tarrant Patricia Baca Bennett
Fort Worth (817) 884-2708
361 Brazos David George Hilburn
Bry an (979) 361-4380
362 Denton R. Bruce McFarling
Denton (940) 349-2340
363 Dallas Tracy F. Holmes
Dallas (214) 653-5890
364 Lubbock William (Billy ) R. Eichman II
Lubbock (806) 775-1026
365 Dimmit Amado Jose Abascal III
Eagle Pass (830) 773-1151
366 Collin Tomasz (Tom) Nowak
McKinney (972) 548-4570
367 Denton Brent Hill
Denton (940) 349-2350
368 Williamson Sarah Soeldner Bruchmiller
Georgetown (512) 943-1368
369 Anderson C. Michael Davis
Palestine (903) 723-7415
370 Hidalgo Noe Gonzalez
Edinburg (956) 318-2280
371 Tarrant Ry an Warner Hill
Fort Worth (817) 884-2985
372 Tarrant Julie Lugo
Fort Worth (817) 884-2990
377 Victoria Eli Elmo Garza
Victoria (361) 578-8756
378 Ellis William (Doug) D. Wallace
Waxahachie (972) 825-5014
379 Bexar Ron Rangel
San Antonio (210) 335-2911
380 Collin Benjamin N. Smith
McKinney (972) 548-4762
381 Starr Jose Luis Garza
Rio Grande City (956) 716-4800
382 Rockwall Brett Hall
Rockwall (972) 204-6610
383 El Paso Ly da Ness Garcia
El Paso (915) 546-2132
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
384 El Paso Patrick Michael Garcia
El Paso (915) 546-2134
385 Midland Leah Gail Robertson
Midland (432) 688-4385
386 Bexar Jacqueline (Jackie) Herr Valdes
San Antonio (210) 335-1150
387 Fort Bend Janet Marie Heppard
Richmond (281) 238-3290
388 El Paso Marlene Gonzalez
El Paso (915) 543-3850
389 Hidalgo Letty Lopez
Edinburg (956) 318-2080
390 Travis Julie H. Kocurek
Austin (512) 854-4885
391 Tom Green Brad Goodwin
San Angelo (325) 657-8014
392 Henderson Robert Scott McKee
Athens (903) 675-6110
393 Denton Doug Robison
Denton (940) 349-2360
394 Brewster Roy B. Ferguson
Jeff Davis
Alpine (432) 837-5831
395 Williamson Ry an Daniel Larson
Georgetown (512) 943-1395
396 Tarrant George W. Gallagher
Fort Worth (817) 884-2768
397 Gray son Brian Keith Gary
Sherman (903) 813-4311
398 Hidalgo L. Keno Vasquez
Edinburg (956) 318-2470
399 Bexar Frank J. Castro
San Antonio (210) 335-3667
400 Fort Bend Tameika Carter
Richmond (281) 341-4422
401 Collin George B. Flint
McKinney (972) 548-4241
402 Wood J. Brad McCampbell
Quitman (903) 763-2332
403 Travis Brandy Mueller
Austin (512) 854-9808
404 Cameron Ricardo M. Adobbati
Brownsville (956) 544-0837
405 Galveston Jared S. Robinson
Galveston (409) 765-2688
406 Webb Oscar (OJ) Hale, Jr.
Laredo (956) 523-4954
407 Bexar Tina Torres
San Antonio (210) 335-2462
408 Bexar Angelica I. Jimenez
San Antonio (210) 335-2831
409 El Paso Sam Medrano
El Paso (915) 834-8209
410 Montgomery Jennifer James Robin
Conroe (936) 539-7860
411 Polk John Earl Wells III
San Jacinto
Livingston (936) 327-6848
412 Brazoria Justin R. Gilbert
Angleton (979) 864-1915
413 Johnson William C. Bosworth, Jr.
Cleburne (817) 556-6040
414 McLennan Vicki Ly nn Menard
Waco (254) 757-5053
415 Parker Graham Quisenberry
Weatherford (817) 598-6162
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
416 Andrea Stroh Thompson Collin
McKinney (972) 548-4520
417 Cy nthia McCrann Wheless Collin
McKinney (972) 548-4658
418 Tracy A. Gilbert Montgomery
Conroe (936) 538-3618
419 Catherine A. Mauzy Travis
Austin (512) 854-4023
420 Edwin Allen Klein Nacogdoches
Nacogdoches (936) 560-7848
421 Chris Schneider Caldwell
Lockhart (512) 398-1839
422 Shelton T. W. Gibbs IV Kaufman
Kaufman (469) 376-4668
423 Chris Duggan Bastrop
Bastrop (512) 581-4037
424 Evan C. Stubbs Blanco
San Saba
Burnet (512) 756-5436
425 Betsy Lambeth Williamson
Georgetown (512) 943-3380
426 Steven J. Duskie Bell
Belton (254) 933-5246
427 Tamara B. Needles Travis
Austin (512) 854-3663
428 Joe Pool Hays
San Marcos (512) 393-7700
429 Jill R. Willis Collin
McKinney (972) 547-5720
430 Israel Ramon, Jr. Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 318-2900
431 Jim S. Johnson Denton
Denton (940) 349-4370
432 Ruben Gonzalez, Jr. Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 884-2935
433 Dibrell (Dib) W. Waldrip Comal
New Braunfels (830) 221-1270
434 Christian Becerra Fort Bend
Richmond (281) 633-7653
435 Patricia (Patty ) Maginnis Montgomery
Conroe (936) 538-3532
436 William (Cruz) Herman Shaw III Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-1194
437 Joel Perez Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-2711
438 Rosemarie Alvarado Bexar
San Antonio (210) 335-0448
439 David Rakow Rockwall
Rockwall (972) 204-6630
440 Grant Kinsey Cory ell
Gatesville (254) 865-5911
441 Jeffrey T Midland odd Robnett
Midland (432) 688-4520
442 Tiffany Leigh Haertling Denton
Denton (940) 349-4380
443 Cy nthia (Cindy ) Ermatinger Ellis
Waxahachie (972) 825-5284
444 David A. Sanchez Cameron
Brownsville (956) 547-7035
445 Gloria M. Rincones Cameron
Brownsville (956) 547-7070
446 Sara Kate Billingsley Ector
Odessa (432) 498-4393
448 Sergio H. Enriquez El Paso
El Paso (915) 543-3893
449 Renee Rodriguez-Betancourt Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 381-0744
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
450 Brad G. Urrutia Travis
Austin (512) 854-2441
451 Kirsten B. Cohoon Kendall
Boerne (830) 249-9343
452 Robert Rey Hofmann Edwards
Mason (325) 347-0755
453 Sherri Tibbe Hays
San Marcos (512) 393-7700
454 Daniel Johnson Kindred Medina
Hondo (830) 741-7146
455 Laurie Eiserloh Travis
Austin (512) 854-5560
456 Heather Hines Wright Guadalupe
Seguin (830) 303-8852
457 Vince Santini Montgomery
Conroe (936) 538-3697
458 Chad Bridges Fort Bend
Richmond (832) 471-4905
459 May a S. Guerra Gamble Travis
Austin (512) 854-9384
460 Selena Alvarenga Travis
Austin (512) 854-6150
461 Joe (Patrick) Bulanek, Jr. Brazoria
Angleton (979) 849-5711
462 Lee Ann Breading Denton
Denton (940) 349-2110
464 Jose (Joe) A. Ramirez Hidalgo
Edinburg (956) 292-7046
466 Stephanie S. Bascon Comal
New Braunfels (830) 221-1270
467 Derbha H. Jones Denton
Denton (940) 349-4390
468 Lindsey Wy nne Collin
McKinney (972) 547-7260
469 Piper McCraw Collin
McKinney (972) 548-5660
470 Brook Fulks Collin
McKinney (972) 548-5670
471 Andrea K. Bouressa Collin
McKinney (972) 548-1800
474 Edward (Alan) A. Bennett McLennan
Waco (254) 757-5047
475 Tay lor Brooks Heaton Smith
Ty ler (903) 590-4923
476 Ysmael D. Fonseca, Jr. Hidalgo
Mission (956) 581-8800
478 Wade Nicholas Faulkner Bell
Belton (254) 933-5706
480 Scott K. Field Williamson
Georgetown (512) 943-3620
481 Cry stal Edmonson Levonius Denton
Denton (940) 349-2270
482 Veronica M. Nelson Harris
Houston (832) 927-4040
483 Tanner M. Neidhardt Hays
San Marcos (512) 393-7700
484 Adela Kowalski-Garza Cameron
Brownsville (512) 393-7700
485 Steven T. Jumes Tarrant
Fort Worth (817) 212-7143
505 Kali Morgan Fort Bend
Richmond (281) 238-3244
506 Gary W. Chaney Grimes
Waller Hempstead (979) 921-0921
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District Judges
District Counties Judge Phone Number District Counties Judge Phone Number
507 Julia Maldonado Harris
Houston (713) 274-4620
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Cc United Kingdom
High Court Of Justice
ICACU & Cafcass
Cc Mexico SRE
Involved During Proceedings
ross.kitley@hmcourts-service.gsi.gov.uk,jackie.day@hmcourts-service.gsi.gov.uk, samjackson@brethertons.co.uk, HYPERLINK "mailto:nang@sre.gob.mx" nang@sre.gob.mx, ecabrera@sre.gob.mx, ddelacruz@sre.gob.mx , HYPERLINK "mailto:dhernandez@sre.gob.mx" dhernandez@sre.gob.mx, aestivill@sre.gob.mx, HYPERLINK "mailto:rschjetnan@sre.gob.mx,hectorn@sre.gob.mx" rschjetnan@sre.gob.mx,hectorn@sre.gob.mx, HYPERLINK "mailto:gordorica@sre.gob.mx" gordorica@sre.gob.mx, HYPERLINK "mailto:jadem@sre.gob.mx,ldiazinfante@sre.gob.mx" jadem@sre.gob.mx,ldiazinfante@sre.gob.mx, snelgrovea@parliament.uk, HYPERLINK "mailto:lorna.merrick@cafcass.gov.uk" lorna.merrick@cafcass.gov.uk, mike.lisser@cafcass.gov.uk ,
rleyva@sre.gob.mx , HYPERLINK "mailto:erik.vasys@ic.fbi.gov" erik.vasys@ic.fbi.gov, HYPERLINK "mailto:toni.chovanetz@ci.austin.tx.us" toni.chovanetz@ci.austin.tx.us, laura.albrecth@ci.austin.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:annesnelgrovemp@parliament.uk" annesnelgrovemp@parliament.uk, HYPERLINK "mailto:munnm@parliament.uk" munnm@parliament.uk, nicola.mockridge@fco.gov.uk, HYPERLINK "mailto:tatuchmb@state.gov" tatuchmb@state.gov, HYPERLINK "mailto:john.dietz@co.travis.tx.us" john.dietz@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:mvazqueza@sre.gob.mx" mvazqueza@sre.gob.mx, HYPERLINK "mailto:fmarquez@sre.gob.mx" fmarquez@sre.gob.mx, lisa.jennians@fco.gov.uk,delsie.barton-appiah@fco.gov.uk, lora.livingston@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:charlie.baird@co.travis.tx.us" charlie.baird@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:dann.underwood@co.travis.tx.us,kennedy@co.travis.tx.us" dann.underwood@co.travis.tx.us,kennedy@co.travis.tx.us, mike.kilgore@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:david.phillips@co.travis.tx.us" david.phillips@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:michael.denton@co.travis.tx.us" michael.denton@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:karen.barland@co.travis.tx.us" karen.barland@co.travis.tx.us, diana.cantu@co.travis.tx.us , HYPERLINK "mailto:herb.evans@co.travis.tx.us" herb.evans@co.travis.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:rebecca.stark@ci.austin.tx.us" rebecca.stark@ci.austin.tx.us, HYPERLINK "mailto:billie@cityofmanor.com" billie@cityofmanor.com, court@cityofpflugerville.com, HYPERLINK "mailto:court@cityofrollingwood.com" court@cityofrollingwood.com, HYPERLINK "mailto:cityhall@sunsetvalley.org" cityhall@sunsetvalley.org, lindathompson@cityoflakeway.com, HYPERLINK "mailto:lagocourt@lago-vista.org" lagocourt@lago-vista.org, HYPERLINK "mailto:dgreen@jonestown.org" dgreen@jonestown.org, HYPERLINK "mailto:vbriarcliff@hotmail.com" vbriarcliff@hotmail.com, HYPERLINK "mailto:cfisher@beecavetexas.com" cfisher@beecavetexas.com,
CASE: Illegal Alien In Texas Sam Lowry, Did Not Want Her Last Names On Her New Born Child,
Sam Lowry Sole Request: Her Child Name Must Start With "S", "J" or "M" (Secret Society?)
Not Married, Not Living With The "Father". Sam May Have Tried To Save Her Son Seb...
Click Breaking News Headlines, To Know The Details of The Case. Resulting On:
International Criminal Organizations: 35 Million Dollar Scam in Austin Texas Courts:
Judges, Austin Police, FBI, Process Servers, Attorneys (Both Sides) Criminal Conspiracy.
Multiple Counts of Kidnapping, Trespassing, Homicide, Illegal Sale of Real Estate And More!
ROYAL FAMILY, High Court of Justice, Baronesses And Lords in The United Kingdom Parliament.
Latest: December 30, 2024 Pleading: Majesty King Charles III And Majesty Queen Camila
LATEST LIVE BREAKING NEWS: AS OF 12/31/2024 Google Blocks My Email Account.
The Last Emails Sent Were To Interpol, Head of FBI Washington And To Interpol France.